Update on surgeon issues
Well I had been throwing up blood an my hernias been hurting me so my stomach doctor was able to order a test to be done here in Cushing to make sure i had no other holes or bleeding ulcers that came back ok. I seen my pcp he cleared me for 3 months of not heaving lifting, pushing or any of that source, I always see the dr that did my other 2 surgeries at the end of last year he said he would take care of me and get me better so hopefully we are on our road to some relief some type of recovery so I can be a mom to my precious little man. Doctor gave me some muscle relaxers to help with the hernias and some more stomach medication so I am on the road to recovery of some sort. Nate is in day care all day each day my mom gets half price so i give mom the half that is due and he is in there so he can play with kids and have interaction he has grown to be a handfull but always seems to be a happy little boy. Well thats about it
Take care!!