Girl, this has been a very interesting adventure. LOL Hopefully BIL will be able to finish everything by Sunday. As it is right now I have NO kitchen at all. This morning I at least had a kitchen sink but by time I got home that was gone too. My poor house is naked. LOL
Saturday DH and I have to go into town so we can get the tile back splash, hardware for the cabinets, new facet for kitchen sink and try and agree on a sofa and recliner. I've been taking pictures all week so I'll try and post some to my website tonight after Sarah goes to bed. I have fallen in love with the hardwood floor. I'm the type that can't imagine in my head how something is going to look. I have to see it in person so I was really worried about the floor. I have to say DH did a wonderful job picking it out. I'll let you know as soon as I get some pictures posted.
What are you guys up to this weekend?
YAY!!!! Sounds like you are on the downhill SLIDE!!!!! WHOOP!!!!!!!!
This time next week, you will probably be finding dust & dirt still, but have your kitchen all back together!!!!!
You have ALMOST survived it!!!!!! HEE HEE
Not doing too much this weekend, but next weekend, we have a camping trip planned. Maybe I will get some work done in the office..... I keep putting that aside & saying it is a winter-time project, but really, I could clean off the bed & do some filing!!!!!!