Good Thursday!!
Good Morning ladies,
Hope each of you are doing well!! I am holding on my own still battling some major health issue but will get through this waiting for my divorce to be filed in court. Nate and I are doing as best as can be expect. Not a lot planned but resting today and nothing for the weekend Nates dad is coming to see him Sunday and I bought a little swimming thing for Nate to play in.
Hope to hear from each of you been thinking about all the kind words you all have sent me it means a lot
Thanks very much have a great Thursday
Morning Marsha! I was wondering if anyone was gonna post. Not much going on in my world. I think we are supposed to be getting some rain starting this evening so I just hope I make it home in time to get the few flowers I have left planted before they die. I promise to take my 3 year pics this weekend other than that I don't have a clue what's in the works. Hope everyone enjoys their day
Craziness as usual here at our house. Only 2 more days and I get to take these extra kids home yesssssssssssssssssss. I love them to death but I'm feeling myself inching closer to the edge of insanity. I just want my space back. Today I'm working a 10 hr day...with 1 hr being a meeting yayyy NOT. Then I'm heading shopping real quick to find myself some shorts. I have only 1 pair. Then it's off to my wls support group.....hey I will do what I gotta do to get away from all these kids LOL. I think a nap is in order for my lunch break.
Hey Marsha & the rest of you wonderful ladies! Hope all is well with Jen today.
I'm so sorry your still battling health issues and dealing with a divorce on top of that. You and Nate are always in my prayers.
I really need to get Sarah some swimming things for the summer. This child is a water monster. The other day at school they were outside and her one teacher, Mr Tony, had a cup of water. Well my little angel decided to pick the cup up and throw the water on Mr Tony. So he filled the cup back up (they have a water fountain outside for the kids) and threw some water on Sarah. She thought that was the funniest thing ever. LOL
Marsha, do you (or any of you ladies) use Facebook? I know you're on myspace but I found out that my sister, mom, aunt, nephew, bff and several other friends are on Facebook so I signed up the other night. I have to say I LOVE it! To me, it is more addictive then myspace. If you (or anyone else here) have an account feel free to add me to your friends list. I'm listed under Teresa Isphording.
Nothing exciting planned for today besides finishing a few little things at home. My BIL will be here tomorrow and will start work on the house Saturday.
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Having a great Thursday. Just got home from Chuck E Cheese where I took my son, daughter and two of her friends to play (it's my daughter's 12th birthday - ahhh I remember it like it was yesterday). Now I'm baking frozen pizzas and getting ready to fed the monsters and give them more sugar! Ya, I'm nuts but I gotta let the kids live it up for her birthday.
Hey Justine! I just took a peak at your profile and wanted to say congratulations on the amazing job on you have done with your WLS. You look amazing!!
P.S. Are you surviving the kids and their sugar rush?? LOL My baby girl just turned 2 this past March and I can't even imagine her turning 12.