Pink Eye Update!!
Well, little Miss Sadie does not have pink eye!! Thank God. We went to the Dr. and she checked her out real well. Her left ear is on the verge of turning into an infection though. She did not want to immediately give her antibiotics though but didn't want to leave us stuck for the weekend without them if it gets worse. She wrote us a prescription so if she gets worse...starts a fever etc... over the weekend we can go get it filled. Relieved my mind greatly because I didn't want to have to pay for an ER copay. She's 19 1/2 months and weighs 22lbs 6 oz now. She hasn't gained anything since her 18 month check up but she's growing and doing great. Thanks for all the ideas and support earlier.
I support you, Michelle!!!!!! Glad you went. Most docs are pretty good about writing a script for "if it gets worse" That is SUCH a RELIEF!!! Been there!!! Heck, will probably be there again!!!
p.s. sounds like Sadie is doing really well, with her petite weight!! Mine was a whopping 24lbs at his 2 year check-up.... 3rd percentile!!