You be the judge
Here is another e-mail address, probably the ONE we should have used!!!!
should we all e-mail again?? Or??
If you are needing help on the website please contact us. [email protected]
This is what my e-mail said:
I would like to ask that you change the format for the parenting messageboard. It is still the "old-style" messageboard.
I did get a reply, here it is:
Thank you for your suggestion. All of the message boards will eventually
be changed to the new style. The change over is taking place in stages.
I'm sorry I do not have a estimated date that particular board will be
switched over.
ObesityHelp Member Services
You would think they would change over the boards that are more active first. Like I said before, the one board I go to every once in a while is the Fibromyalgia board. On that board your lucky if you see an new post every 3 or 4 days but it has been changed over to the new format. This doesn't make any sense to me. Why spend the time and energy working on boards that are so dead and not on ones that are more active?
I sent a message to the cusotmer service link but I'm getting ready to send another one to the email you mentioned in this post.