My email and myspace to those that want it
For those that want it my email is [email protected]
and my myspace is
Here is a link of new photo's of Nate and new photo's of me i colored my hair to look more like a mom
please enjoy
you have to copy and paste all links
We are holding i do post updates and new photo's often there please feel free to add and i will accept
Thanks to all for the prayers and emails it means a lot and to Jen and others for the prayers keep them coming they are helping me to remain strong is my myspace. I friend requested you!
I love the pics & the new hair color is very nice.
Hey Marsha,
I don't have a myspace account but thinking maybe I should look into it... everyone I know has one now. I just found out that even my mom, aunt and sister have one. I wouldn't be surprised if my grandma has one before me. LOL
I really like the new hair color. The pics of you are gorgeous and Nate is still as adorable as anything.
I was thinking about you yesterday and was going to call but didn't know when a good time was for you. Let me know and I'll give you a ring if you want to chat.
You and Nate are always in my thoughts and prayers.
I am central time any time after 10am and before 10pm your welcome to call when ever you would like to.
Thanks i got my hair cut shorter today wear its all spiked just love it to death. Over all i think i am feeling better not quite sure if its ok to say i am just yet but i do know i have 3 hernias in my incision suppose to see the stomach dr with in the next 2 weeks. We are filing divorce papers monday i am not ready but i really dont have a choice in this matter as long as my baby boy isn't hurt a lot during this its sad that he dont ask for his dad much and when he does call he really doesnt want a thing to do with him but we are holding
thanks for the thoughts and prayers
myspace is addicting
BEAUTIFUL!! You look great Marsha!! Nate is getting bigger and more handsome in every picture!! I lost your number..You can email me to [email protected] that is my new email!!