check in post!
Good morning hope everyone is doing well. The board has slowed down, I hope it's only because everyone is enjoying wonderful weather with their families.
Happy belated Anniversary Jamie and Mark! Hope even though Mark was at work you were able to enjoy a little time together.
Well wake up ladies and check in so we know that you are OK or if not So that we can send out positive thoughts and prayers!! How bout it Jen, Ms Court, Jamie, Teresa, Marsha, both Michelle's, Cira, Stacey, Frances, Lena, Denise and any and everyone else that I may have forgot. Check in let us know you are here and/or are ok
Good Morning JoAnn and all you lovely ladies! I'm here. Got a really late start this morning but finally made it to daycare and then to work. Happy belated Anniversary Jamie & Mark! I hope you guys were able to get some time together and had a wonderful day.
Things are getting better on my side of town. I've decided to apply something my old pastor used to say. There are 2 steps to getting over your worries and stress and they are:
1. Give them all to the Lord (most important step)
2. Build a bridge and get over it
I have given them to the Lord, I have finished the bridge and now on my way over it.
JoAnn (aka Ninja Mom
) ~ How are you doing? Things slowing down for you?
Ms Court ~ How is your husband doing? Are you able to keep the meds in him? I know with my hubby I have to basicly hand him his meds and watch him take them just like a child or else he won't. lol How is your mom doing?
Jamie ~ How is your FIL? Did he get the results from the MRI yet?
Marsha ~ Is Nate feeling better? How are you holding up?
Michelle G ~ How did the big party go?
Michelle (Iamamom) ~ Any update on Baby Levi? Still saying prayers for Levi, Mike and Steph along with the rest of your family. How is the flooding situation at your house? Are you still having to work from home?
Cira ~ You and Baby Gina are in my prayers. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do.
Stacey ~ How are you and the kids holding up?
Hope you all have a wonderful day!! Saying a prayer for all of you! If you having something going on in your life and would like to share please feel free to talk to us. We are here to support each other regardless of what the issue may be.

Hi Teresa! My hubby is doing good. He went back to wrok today, feeling tired & weak but getting there. I am having to watch him with those meds, he has missed a few doses but I am trying to keep on him about it. My mom is doing well. All her tests came back clear, no cancer. Thanks for asking & checking on me & mine.
I am still here and very much alive. I was just very busy and had very little time to read let alone post. Things are "somewhat" back to normal. We have 2 extra kids here for 2 weeks so it's busy. I took my 2 nieces that are 8 and 11 for a while. Sadie is loving having some girls to play with her. I'm enjoying spoiling them a bit. My one sister stayed in town until yesterday so we spent a lot of time at the campground with them. Sadie absolutely loves camping now....she loved the fire...especially the mallows LOL. She didn't even have one roasted just wanted to eat them out of the bag. Now we can't wait for the 4th of'll be a blast with her.
The big grad party was a huge success. We had a nacho bar and I got many many compliments on how good it was and what a great idea. We had at least 100 people if not a few over. I made 24 lbs of taco meat and had enough for us to have tacos maybe for 2 meals left. I'm guessing we used about 20 to 22 lbs of meat. My daughter was so shocked at how many people showed up and even more so at how much money she received in cards. She got more than enough to get her laptop for school next year. We had fun but I'm glad it's over now. Next weekend we travel to my sisters for my nephew's big party. It'll be nice to just relax and not have to do all the work for that one though.
I'm still learning the new stuff for work so I've been busy there as well and struggling quite a bit as it's much more difficult that what I was doing. Some day I'll get it though and will wonder why I was stressing so much.
Well, the kids are waiting for me to take them to the park. Enjoy the day everyone!!
I hopped on to check you all out this morning, I was thinking of all of YOU ladies too!!
Thank You for thinking of us on our anniversary!!!! It was a nice anniversary. We lit our unity candle when Mark got home from work (with roses & lillies), and after dinner, ate a few slices of the topper of our wedding cake that had been in the freezer. The cake was good. Not as good as on our wedding day, but still good...... we definately will be coveting the cake until WE fini**** up!!!
Back to work tomorrow. (Mark is off the rest of the week to be here with Hunter) Already looking foward to Friday night.... we plan on going camping, this will be our first trip out this summer, since the last one did not work out too well and we never got to go.
And on an updated note>>>>> I am down to less than 5% of boxes left to unpack!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! My sister should be here today to help hang up pictures, too. It has all come together so well!!
Also, update on my FIL. The cancer doc took him off of all of his meds, all of them. His MRI came back basically negative. So, we are playing a "wait & see" game.
One of the newer meds we think, even the cancer doc, has taken the cancer out of his blood. So we were EXTRA concerned, that we would end up back at square one with cancer back in the blood. But, the doc said that medicine stays in his body 3-4 months. They had him scheduled for a bone marrow test (the cancer was found in his marrow & blood last April) but that is ALSO put on hold.