Baby Levi Needs Our Prayers More Then Ever

Teresa Isphording
on 6/17/08 12:27 am - Knotts Island, NC
Please continue to pray for Baby Levi, his Mommy Steph and Daddy Mike. Also, please pray for Michelle as she is trying so hard to be strong for her brother. Here is the post Michelle posted on the preggo board this morning: Ladies, first, let me say that I hope I am not abusing you all by asking for your prayers. I was on my way to class when I got the call. Baby Levi's stats dropped so they had to put him on the heart and lung machine. They are doing his surgery later this morning. I must have sounded like a lunatic when I asked my instructor if I could just take the test and leave because I had to get here. He told me to just go that I was in no shape to take the test and to be careful on my way here. I FLEW from Ankney to the the south side of Des Moines to get my sister, then flew home where my Aunt met us. I packed my bag and we were here around 8:30 pm. I did my freak out before I got my sister and my good friend Lisa smacked me back with I had to be strong for my brother. I pulled it together. Mikey took my Aunt back first to see him and she came out in just a few minutes. She could not handle it and was not prepared to see what she saw. My sister and I went in with Mikey next. I held strong. My sister who did not comprehend how serious Baby Levi was all the sudden got it and she started bawling. I held it together but to be honest, I have never seen anything like that before. I can not sleep. I haven't slept all night. His face is swollen and has been since they had to bag him in the night last night (Sunday night). I am afraid on so many levels. This poor baby, the nurse told my brother that he is just tired of life. My brother is a mess. Then a doctor talked to Mikey, Steph and my Mom before my Aunt, me and my sister got here. My Mom said the doctor sounded very optomistic. They were told to take pictures to show him when he gets older. I know and can tell by looking at him this is very serious and I believe we have good reason to be concerned. It is not every day that they put a baby on that kind of machine. They were calling out pain meds left and right when I was in there. I am so scared for this little man. My brother when he got back last night went to my Aunts. Here is where it gets worse and makes it even harder for me to sleep. He told my Aunt that if Levi dies, he's going to kill himself, that he will not make it through. It hurts me to even tell you ladies that...but I had told Lisa a few days ago that I was afraid of that very thing. Please if you can, say another prayer for Baby Levi. I keep telling myself that if he can make it through....we will handle anything else. We will love him, care for him and give him the best life we possibly can. Someone even had the nerve to ask my Mom why we didn't just let him go. HOW can someone say that? Or my favorite, what's his qaulity of life going to be like? Who is anyone to say what the quality of life is for another living being? His qaulity of life will be what we make of it!!!!! And believe you me.....we will make the most of it. OK>>I'm sorry...I really have a hundred million things running through my head. Postitive things we have going is that his brain scan, lungs and heart are good. We just have to get through this surgery tomorrow. One day at a time. They are going to block off his stomach for now and worry about that later. Right now is the reconstruction of his airway. Please God, be with Levi. Help him. He's a fighter. Wrap your arms around him and bring him through this. Please guide the surgeons hands. Please keep an eye out on my brother and Steph. Please, ladies....I am begging, we need more prayers. Thank you all so much for the prayers and well wishes. I do appreciate them. Keep them coming. Michelle Here is the link to the post if you would like to reply to Michelle:,messageboard/action,replies/board_id, 5370/cat_id,4970/topic_id,3642839/ Hugs Teresa
on 6/17/08 1:57 am - Palmer, AK
Thank YOU Teresa, for keeping us updated on Michelle, I have a hard time getting on both boards. I will click the link & reply. I appreciate it!!! -Jamie
ms joann
on 6/17/08 2:32 am - KY
Thanks for the update will continue sending positivie thoughts out to their family throughtout Levi's long road to recovery. Stay strong Michelle miracles DO happen JoAnn
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