Michelle (Iamamom Medina)
Are you guys beeing affected by all the flooding? I was thinking about you this morning when I was watching the news. Hope you all are safe.
Also, I've been reading the preggo board and keeping up with baby Levi. Baby Levi, your brother and Steph are in my prayers. You are also in my prayers as I know this has been hard on you as well. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Thank you so much, Teresa. I had to work today. I didn't come in yesterday with the baby's surgery. My boss just told me to go home at 4 (I normally wor****il 6). He told me to go home and work from home as they are closing all the bridges down here in preperation for water to come through. NOT FUN!!! Thank you for keeping baby Levi in your prayers. I apprecaite it.