Happy Thursday afternonn!!
Last night, we got a load from stoage after work, and then went to the annual meeting for the phone company (I work for them). We had dinner, and registered for a prize, and played with Martin Buser's puppies. (In case you do not know who Martin Buser is, Google the Iditarod... he a local resident here).
Then we went back for another load to get from storage ............... YES, I AM A SLAVE DRIVER WITH A PURPOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Storage will be cleaned out this evening & NO MORE PAYMENTS for them!!!!!
AND BEST OF ALL from the slave driving????????? We get to go out CAMPING this weekend!!!!! YAY!!!! Our first camping trip of this summer!!!! What a REWARD!!!!
Wow you HAVE been busy!!! Sounds like it'll be a relief to finally get that storage cleaned out. I'm jealous I'd love to be going camping. I'll be sitting and crying Sat morning as my oldest graduates from high school. The next week will be very busy with that and getting ready for her party next Sat. We don't have a camping trip planned till the 4th of July. Well, unless you count Sadie and I sleeping in my sister's camper parked in her driveway at the end of the month for my nephew's grad party LOL. Tonight DH is gone....he went to a baseball game out of town today with his coworkers so it's just Sadie and I at home. I'm trying to think of what to have for supper. I think we might just go get a taco and see her big sister at work. Have fun camping......enjoy the campfire for me too!!! It's my favorite part of camping.