Hunter's 2 Year Check-Up
Thankfully, the only shot he got was his Hep A. He did AWSOME, only wimpered, & then was over the shot!! The nurse found his 3rd Hep B shot in his records, so that is a good thing, a month ago, there was the issue of the missing shot (the second one was 1 1/2 years ago), and a possibility of starting the series over, I was not happy about that, at all.
He is 33 inches long (at 18 months, he was 30 inches)
He is 24 pounds!!! He has gained 3 1/2 pounds since his 18 month check-up.
The doctor thinks his head circumfrence is a bit on the small side, in fact according to the doctors growth chart, he thinks his head is smaller since his 18 month check-up. So, we go back in 6 months, instead of a year.
I personally think his head IS FINE!!!!!!!!!!
****Hunter was a small baby when he was born, I was 41 weeks, as it turns out, Mark's side of the family just has small babies**** To me, this is what makes up the growth chart!!!
What a trooper taking the shot like that!!! Sounds to me like he's doing great. Glad to hear you're getting settled into the new house too. Moving is sooo much work. Sadie was 22 lbs and 32 1/2 inches at her 18 month check up. Sounds like he's pretty close to the same size. I don't blame you for not worrying about his head....besides mom's know when there's something to worry about usually. Sadie's head is still only 18".......she's always had a tiny head. It's hard to find hats to fit.
Sounds to me like Hunter is just perfect. I'm so glad to hear they found his 3rd Hep B shot in his records. Getting them their shots the first time around is bad enough, you would hate to have to do it all over again. I agree with you about his head size. I'm sure he is just fine.
My Sarah is a little monster. She has always been in the 75% to 95% for her height and around the 50% for her weight. At her 18 month check-up she was 24 pounds and 34 inches. By her 2 year check-up she was 32 pounds and 35 1/2 inches. I'm going to have to find out what kind of miracle grow they are feeding her at school. lol
Can you believe our babies are toddlers already????