Happy Friday Everyone!! Happy Mother's Day too. 4 hrs 7 mins to go and I'm on vacation!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody have big plans for the weekend? We're just spending it mostly getting ready for our trip. Tomorrow night we are going to bbq with my sister in law and her family. Sun will be church and then some pit stops to visit grandma's for mom's day. I also have to get to the grocery store to get things to leave here for my 18 yr old that's not coming with. It's her final week of her senior yr and she doesn't want to miss it. Hope everyone has a spectacular weekend!!
Happy VACATION, Michelle!!!!! You work HARD, you deserve it!!!
Sunday, Mark, Hunter & I are meeting up with my mom and sister for lunch after church at a newer mexican restaurant that I have not been to yet, and my mom really likes it.
Tomorrow, we have a meeting at the bank that is financing our house loan, to listen to their product line to save $150.00 off of our mortgage. I know we will have to open up a checking account & do the auto deduct with them, but I don't mind. (no complaints here about being able to save $$)
And of course..... pack, pack, pack!!!!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!