What does it feel like....
It has been a long time since I had my hernia, but I remember never feeling any pain or anything, it just looked funny. lie a baseball, under my skin, this was while I was in the weightloss phase, so, it just stood out more & more, it was also near my belly button. I had removed when I went in for a TTand gallbladder removal, so I had '3 in one' surgery!!
Go & have a doc look at it. I hope you get relief soon!!
Thanks Jamie I never got around to calling him yesterday but will today. I looked online and the symptoms don't really fit a hernia so maybe it is just a pulled muscle. I don't have any sign of a bump just the pulling. Hopefully it's not caused by scar tissue or adhesions since I've had issues with that before WLS
Have a great day!
Speaking from my husbands recent experience, (he was diagnosed with a hernia in early February & had surgery to correct it on President's day) He said that his stomach hurt, near his bellybutton, but not like "sick hurt" it just was painful. So when he went to the doc, the doc poked his finger into his bellybutton AS FAR AS HE COULD (no kidding) Mark about climbed up the wall with the pain.
It turned out to be an abdominal hernia & the doc cut around his belly button to stitch it up. (30 minute day surgery) Off work for 2 1/2 weeks & lifting restriction for 6 weeks.
He is as good as new now!!
PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!