Hunter is 23 months today!!
SO HARD TO BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a happy boy!!!!
He is SO GREAT!!!! We have been working with him on potty training since February, and it is finally clicking. He pooped on the potty at daycare yesterday for the first time!!! YAY HUNTER!! We bought some pull-ups too. Next week, he will be in pull-ups during the days & that is good, not even 2 years old yet!! He is quite the whistler, pretty good at making a tune!! And what a talker, pretty soon, he will be saying full sentences!! Holy cow!!!
He suprises us with his observations, that is for sure!!
I remember when he said his first word (besides daddy & mommy) it was doggie. Mark & I were speechless!! We were on our way to a pre-marital counseling session, and to drop Hunter off at Aunt Mary's, we were in the drive-thru of Carl's Jr, getting a quick dinner-on-the-run. We hear "doggie" from the back seat & Mark & I just STARED at each other in amazement..... Out Hunter's window, there was a lady walking her black lab!! Blew our minds!!!!! Seems like it was just yesterday!!!!!!
Yes, I hear you there, I am sure he will keep amazing us!!! He has started the TT's here & there, but thankfully, is happy overall,,,,,,,,,, SO NOT THE CASE YESTERDAY, when I went to pick him up from daycare!! YAY for cell phones!! All he wanted was DADDY (he IS daddy's boy--for SURE) So, I called daddy & handed Hunter the phone, Hunter was on the phone & calmed down...... until we pulled in the driveway at home!!
Had to have DADDY!!