Might have to replace the furnace
We had the furnace cleaned & inspected last night & they need to come back, because there is a possibility that there might be a crack in the heat exchanger. That was part of the homebuyers offer, was to have the furnace looked at.
Oh well, we are still MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!
I, of course am hoping that is not the case, we should know more tomorrow night, so I will be posting news..... good or bad, on Friday.
But, the good news for today is that I had dropped off both of the back tires to my 4 wheeler, which I bought last fall, off of Mark's best friend who was moving out of state, but when I bought it, I knew that it needed a break job & 2 new tires.
Saturday, we bought 2 tires for it, and I picked them up today, all swapped over, so, all we need to do is put them on the 4 wheeler & I can RIDE!!!!!
Oops..... wait..... I am going to need a breakjob next!!
Heh, maye I can talk my best friend into doing my break job, she is handy with that kind of thing, hhhmmmmmmmm, I should call her & see how much she wants to charge for her time & labor??!!

Since the plumbers left last night, our house has smelled like gas!!!!!!!!!
So, thay are now there, it is almost 2 in the afternoon!!(took them all day
They will be finishing up the inspection/cleaning today.
Hopefully, the furnace will pass the inspection.
If not, I should probably know one way or the other before the end of the day.