Happy Monday
Good Morning! We had a crazy weekend as you can see in my post about the storm. Everyone is back to normal today here. I'm going to try to get lots of work done the next couple of days cuz my daycare is closed Wed-Fri. I'll still be working but it'll be goofy hours when someone else is home to watch Sadie. Sorry to hear Emi is sick, Jen. Hope she's back to herself soon. Nothing exciting going on here this week. Glad to be back though!
Glad to hear you got something done! My hubby was clingy this weekend so I only managed to get the carpets cleaned in 1 bedroom! Oh well he's worth it. It just means that I have alot to do this week since we will be having the boys "extended-family" birthday party this weekend. Hope Lil Emi feels better soon! Glad the meds are helping.
Have a wonderful day
Morning! I don't know what the deal was with Mallie this weekend...her temp hit 104 Friday night, vomiting everywhere, wouldn't eat a thing. Saturday morning this child stayed in bed until 10:30...unheard of! By Saturday night her fever was gone, and she was back to her old self! Go figure. Of course with all her resting, her sleep is off, she didn't want to go to bed last night, and tired and cranky this AM.
We had a nice relaxing weekend. Satuday started with a run to Eagle River, about 35 minutes from the house. Hubby saw an ad on Craigslist for a set of 4 wheeler tires... for my 4 wheeler..... which I desperately need.
We get there & they are having a yard sale, so we got 2 tires (25.00), and 2 garage door (50 cents total) openers..... Since we will be moving into a house with a garage!!!! Then we continued yard saling back home for the next few hours!!!
Last summer, we had to sit on our hands and not yard sale, because we knew after our wedding in June, that we were listing the house & could not deal with MORE clutter!!
We also found a bedroom set for our bed, it has the oak nightstands, with a headboard........... all of it for $75.00 That same one runs about 1200.00 brand new!!!!!
All in all, we had a GREAT weekend!!! Lots of family time spent together!!!