Isn't it suppoed to be spring???
I'm soo tired of winter!! We're under a blizzard warning for today through Sat. They're talking we are supposed to get a storm as bad as the one we got last year at the end of the winter. It took us forever to dig out. I just don't want any more snow!! I guess I'll head to the store to get milk etc... today.
Ahhh sad thing is I was just at the store last night getting toilet paper and diapers for the little one. If I'd have heard about the snow coming I would've gotten milk too....thinking maybe some choc chips so we can keep the kids busy baking. For soem reason when it snows I want to bake something. Heck it helps warm the house up at least.
I miss home (Northeast US) but do not miss the weather. UGH!
My kids are in shorts and t-shirts. We just came in from playing on the swingset - it will be 85ish today.
Our 'bad' weather will be here in July. It will be so hot we will not be able to breath when we go outside. I guess it is a trade off, no snow and 0 degree weather but hot as hades.