HELP.... I'm in Denial!!!
Do you ever except the fact that your baby is no longer a baby??? Sarah just turned 2 so I guess she is technically a toddler but I just can't wrap my brain around that. This is my baby girl and she is growing up way to fast. She has become so independent. If you try helping her with something she will get so mad. I have to watch her struggle with something and then when she decides she needs help she will come up to me and say 'elp mommy'. Where did my little baby, who needed mommy for everything, go???
I'm going to tell you some bad news. This is only the beginning. My oldest is now 11 and I dread those teenage years I've been hearing about. I get little hints of them every so often but so far nothing too full blown. Next year starts junior high. So be thankful that she is working it out on her own and knows enough to ask for help. Someday she'll need to do it all on her own. Want to switch for awhile and see if you can get stubborn 11 year old to stop procrastinating hugh homework assignments to the last night???? I'd love a trip down memory lane.
I can't even imagine Sarah being 11 or even worse..... a teenager . We live on an island so I've already told her that she is not allowed off the island by herself until she is 25...
Can't help you out on the procrastinating homework issue because that was me in high school... Sure hope Sarah doesn't take after me. Come to think about of it I hope she doesn't take after daddy either..... hmmm??? She can take after my sister who was an A & B student all through high school and college. I actually told my sister, who used to teach in South Carolina, that I was going to move her up here so she could homeschool Sarah. I'll send my sister your way and she can take care of the homework issues while she's at it.
I guess I better just except the fact that baby girl is no longer a baby. I do have to admit that she is at such a fun age right now. She just cracks me up with some of the things she says and does.
HI THERE!!!!!! You may not recognize my new last name (finally got married last summer)... last name used to be KLUCK!!! Nice to see ya again!!!!
I totally agree with you on the toddler issue..... where did my baby Hunter go??!!
He suprises me on how quick he pick stuff up!!! Mr. Independence he IS!!!!!
Hey Jamie!!! I was thinking about you and Hunter this past weekend. I always remembered Hunter was 2 months behind Sarah and was thinking you'll be celebrating the big #2 soon. Any big plans for his party? I'm going to try and have some pictures from Sarah's parties posted by this weekend. Her 2 year pictures we had taken at Sears are already on our website along with some others of her if you (or any one else) want to check them out. The site is and the password for all the albums is baby_girl06.
How did our babies grow up so fast??? DH and are actually going to start TTC. Had to wait to get the 'ok' for the doc since I've been having some health issues since I had Sarah. We got the 'ok' last month we'll see what happens.
I plan on sticking around here with you guys. Thank you so much for being so persistant on getting this board going!
I whole heartedly feel you on this one...Not only is Elijah growing and doing so much, but is my Emileigh..Feels like yesterday I found out I was pregnant with Eli and here he is 2 and Emileigh is 1 already! Time is moving so fast right before my eyes! I am so happy that we are all here going thru the same thng and we can 'elp' each other LOL