another update lol lol
ok I think I have finally come to a sorty conclusion on my baby. lol lol I think she is just plain hungry and not for formula. lol lol Last night we went to my mom and dads to eat supper and I knew I was gonna give her some cereal and I decided to try some more carrots. YA'LL she ate almost the whole gerber cup thing PLUS almost all her cereal. I mean a tad over HALF the gerber cup and about 2 tbs of cereal with formula in it of course. THEN about 30 min later she took about 3 oz's of her bottle. lol lol NOW I have decided that I will offer formula FIRST then food but I think we are on our way to eating. She did really really good to. I guess we will do the carrots for about 4 days and move on to peas or green beans next. I know applesauce she likes and we tried banana's yesterday with cerela and she loves that. So for now we will have cereal and fruit in am then how ever much bottle she will drink. veggies around lunch only if she wants it and cereal and veggies at supper and fill in throuout the day with bottles. I am for now gonna lay off the juice. I can not thank you guys enough for all the advice and support!