Ok here is the latest
I get soooooooooooooo confused seems like. I just dont know what I am doing and what is wrong. lol lol I am sure it is a new mother thing with everyone! I just go with my gut most of the time but take some of ALL the advice I get. My friend said the same thing about juice. DONT force it. I dont make her drink it I just offer it. If she takes a couple of sucks great if not no big deal. Now last night She was just really fussy. Wally had given her ceral with some applesauce in it. Then offered some formula (ceral was also made with formula). She just seemed not satisfied to me. She was also tired. So I opened up some carrots and she took about 6 bites of that and was totally satisfied for the next two hours. lol lol We played and had the best time with her. Then had a bath and she took a whole 5 ounce bottle and slept 10 hours last night. lol lol Of course sleeping through the night has NEVER been a problem with her. lol So this am I HAD to wake her up took her to my moms she had not had a bottle yet and took about 1 ounce and would not take anymore. So mom fixed her a little ceral with bananas (we have done applesauce for 2 weeks now). She ate about half of that and then finished the bottle and went down for a nap. I just dont know if she is just more hungry now for food or what. I am just gonna play it by ear and if she is dry and not tired and still fussy and will not take bottle when it is time I am gonna offer some veggies. I know I will stick with the ceral at night and prob only offer it in the am when she seems fussy for it. And just do the veggies as needed I guess. As far as the Karo, it isnt that she is not going every day it is that she will go 2-3 days without having a BM IF I dont use the Karo. It isnt like I am putting that much like 1/2 a teaspoon. BUT as a person that DOES NOT want a child with a weight problem I worry about that to. lol lol She is fine if she goes 1 day without BM but when she goes 2 it gets bad for her. SHe has NEVER had hard pelliot type poopy. It sometimes is kinda thick and sticky but for the most part it is smooth. Just sometimes has this stuff in it that looks seedy. lol lol WONDERFUL discussion huh. Looks kinda like chunky peanut butter but not as thick. lol lol I have heard that the seedy poopy is from acid on the stomach but I just dont know. Thanks for all of your advice. I am just gonna take it all and combine it along with my gut. lol lol As long as she is putting on weight I am gonna TRY not to worry about it. I just want her to be a happy satisfied baby. I worry all the time that people see me coming and say "OH NO here comes that lady with the crying baby" lol lol I am sure that is also another first time mommy thing. lol
Thanks Again!
I too say go with your gut! Neither one of my boys were on feeding schedules. I never dealt with reflux however my oldest was on soy and youngest on lacto-free. If I could remember some of the stories on feedings as babies right now people would probably just die. But they are both strong healthy boys and meaner than snakes so I did something right! Motherly instinct is amazing and can not be explained Your instincts, some advise and common sense will get you through.
If you're ever concerned, don't be afraid to call & discuss your thoughts with the Dr or Ped--that's part of their job. Even after having 4 kids, sometimes you just get a "feeling", and the doctor is really the best resource. Especially in this day and age, when there are so many other things it may be--GERD, colic, stomach infection, etc.
As far as juice goes, have you tried watering it down? That may be just what she needs to like it. But, I think your friend is right; don't force it.
Sounds like a normal mom to me....I have 3 and I still second guess everything I do. Of course 14 yrs between the last 2 doesn't help either. Sadie always ate the actual food much better than the bottle.....we just went with what she would do and what satisfied her. It's not fun having a fussy baby. Sounds like you're doing great. Every baby is different so I say do what works LOL.