Hey Jamie & Hunter.. I finally made it back here
I know I've been MIA forever. I can't believe I missed Hunter's 1 year birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday Hunter!!!!
Well things have been very busy in my world. Sarah will be 15 months the 22nd of this month. She started walking 2 weeks before she turned 1 and has been non-stop ever since. At her one year check-up she was 31 inches and 22 pounds. She is such a happy baby. Her favorite thing is music. No matter where she or what she is doing if she hears music she will start dancing. Even at night when I'm rocking her she can be half asleep and if a commercial comes on with music she will start wiggling her little butt. We discovered last Thursday that she loves cooked mushrooms. I can't stand them but DH wanted some with his steak for dinner that night so I was cooking them in a little bit of butter and garlic salt. Sarah started whining because she wanted one. So I gave her one to prove to her she wouldn't like them. Well she ended up eating 2 small bowl fulls that night.
Did I read a post that you got your house sold? And your getting married on the 16th?
I promise I will try and keep in touch better then what I have been. Things are getting better here at work so there should be no excuse for me not to post at least once a day (or every other day).
If you (or anyone else) wants to check out Sarah's pictures go to:
www.picturetrail.com/tia07 the password is baby_girl06
Teresa & Sarah