Happy Friday
I dont come by here nearly as often and I should. Emily turned 1 yesterday and what a big girl she is turing into. We went out to dinner last night, DH, DD and myself and my mom. We had a nice Dinner then back home for Em to open up a few presents. We are having a BBQ- birthday party for her tomorrow. Should be a good time with the cousins and the rest of the family. I hope that you all have a great day!!!
Happy B-Day Emily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a fun BBQ Party!!!!
Well, got closed on my house, that step is OVER!!!!! YEA!!!! Sent out $15,000.00 this morning to pay off debts. I cannot wait to get those ZERO statements!!!!! YA!~
We found a tubseat for Hunter last night at Wal-Mart. Marked down to $12.00, they are usually like 26.00-28.00. So, no more bathing with mommy. We have been sharing the bath time together for about 6-7 weeks, since he got too long for the little tub for the kitchen sink. Hard to believe he has grown SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Have a GREAT Weekend!!!