YAY! It's Friday at last!!!
So here is the update from the home inspection:
I need to have the jacizzi bathtub inspected, apparently the pump does not work. Oh well, 7 years, somethings gonna break!! And also, a part on the furnace for the condensation isn't working as well. I have a service call for the heater this coming Tuesday scheduled, now, I am just calling around to see sbout the tub!!
Just keeping you all posted!!
HI Jamie. Glad to hear only a couple of things are needing fixing. Could be worse right? I was up at 3:30 am with Sadie today then got a phone call at 4 am saying my MIL's boyfriend passed away. He had cancer and has been doing terribly for a couple of weeks now. We spent some of the day with my MIL and my hubby is there again tonight. I'm home with my 3 kids and his nephew right now. It's just not the right place for kids tonight. Besides I don't mind since I"m sooo tired anyway. I'm working on a crockpot of chili to bring up there tomorrow. I figure it's easy to make and it can be kept warm all day in the crockpot.
I hope your weekend is going better than ours. Good luck with the repairs on the house!!