Needy child. Please help....
I need some advice desperately. My DD will be 9 months on the 23rd. She is a great eater, she is a great sleeper, but she is terrible throughout the day. She was early with everything (ie sitting, crawling, eating, teeth etc), but with playing, she is terrible!
She will play with some toys for about 10 min and then she is hanging on the bottom of my pants. I leave the room, she follows me. I go to the bathroom, she follows me and hangs on me. I sit on the couch, she climbs up and cries. We started her at daycare about a month ago, just 2 days a week b.c I am going back to work. The poor lady is exhausted when I pick DD up. She says that she has never had a baby before who is sooooo needy with your time and attention and she has been in business for 10 years.
Yes she is young and she needs some attention. That is fine. i love my DD very much and will give her anything I can, but all the other babies I know at her age are so independant and busy. Why is she not? What can I do to get her out of this? I have to go back to work in a week or 2 and I am so scared that daycare is going to be a nightmare. They have other children and don't have the time to ALWAYS be with my DD.
I hope this doesn't sound heartless, but I just need some help. I am losing it and need some advice. Thank you