YAY it's Thursday!!!!!!
One more day closer to the weekend!!!!!!
Anyone have any exciting plans for this weekend, or are you still trying to relax & catch up on things from the holidays??
DH is off on Friday & Saturday this week. We are still working on childproofing projects up here in the livingroom, dining room & kitchen. He has lots of stuff that he wants to put on Ebay, so next week, his "corner" should look better (like maybe I will be able to see that floor!!!).
Since we live in a tri-level, the upstairs (livingroom, dining room & kitchen are up here) we want to have this level babyproofed. Let me tell you for 2 clutterbugs, it has been QUITE the PROJECT!!! But, I can say, there was VISIBLE changes after the christmas tree came down this week!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! If we decide to stay in this house & not move this summer, we have agreed to build a shed out back, it is MUCH NEEDED!!!!!! And we will be having a yard sale also, so that should help. I would love to have a yard sale now, but it has not stopped snowing for like 2 weeks straight!!!
I've been so out of the loop. I have been really sick so didn't read this until tonight (Fri). I spent the day in the hospital and found out I have hepatitis. So our plans for the weekend include me resting and doing as little as possible. I slept for the 8 hrs at the ER except for the time in the ultrasound and the CT scan. We still have no snow on the ground. It is 8:30 at night and still 33 degrees too. What a strange winter!!
Soory this reply is so LATE!!!!!
I read this a few days ago & got interrupted by Hunter (sorry, mommy duty!!)
Anyways, I got off-track...... I hope you are feeling better & can get GOOD treatment to help you feel better now that you know what's going on with your body & your health.
Today is Tuesday, it is 22 below, it was 16 below yesterday!!!! YICK!!!!! I would rather have the snowy-warm weather than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been busy looking for work, now that the holidays are over & I am somewhat back to a 'normal' schedule!! ahhhhhhhhhh, except Hunter is teethig again (maybe the top set is getting ready to come in) and I was up with him every 2 hours last night. It has been 2 months of him sleeping thru the night every night, so I was SPOILED!!!
The Joys Of Motherhood!!!!!!
TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!