Toddler Manners
Anyone have any experience w/ teaching a 17 month old some table manners. I swear he acted out at Christmas dinner because of all the people, fancy/interesting tableware, and he was exhausted....BUT apparently, I've been labeled a softy and inconsistent w/ my parenting (hard to be consistent when traveling and staying in 2 different places).
Anyway, he does throw his sippy cup and often times his food at dinner. We usually give it 2 times and then pull him out of his high chair and stop dinner but this doesn't always work when we eat out.
Of course, tonight he was a perfect angel and fed himself mac and cheese and ate so well.
But I'm tired of the family talking about it behind my suggestions on how you taught your toddler table manners?
Hi Khaki,
I have noticed with Dylan that as soon as a bad behavior rears its head, I have to take action immediately, or he doesn't know why he is being punished. I usually take his plate away and tell him no. That usually does the tric****il the next meal..hahaha
I think just repeating over and over they will start to pick it up better starting at 18 months.
Good luck,
Heather B
P.S. How are the twins growing?