Christmas gifts?
Hi John!! Wow I guess I should start thinking of this. I've gotten some jewlery and some make up for my 13 and 16 yr old daughters so far. My 14 yr old son so far i've gotten some cologne and body wash. He wants a MN Vikings winter jacket so maybe that for him. I'm sure all 3 of them would love some CDs. I think I'll get them each a hooded sweatshirt too...oh wait I did get one of those for my son already. For my baby that's 17 days old today I'm thinking she's not getting much of anything.....for one she doesn't know if we don't and for 2 she needs nothing. We still have a baby shower coming next weekend and she already has enough for 2 baby girls LOL. Hubby and I usually wait until after Christmas and get something bigger for ourselves or take a night away to a hotel or something. With a brand new baby this yr a night in a hotel might win out....grandma's just dying to babysit anyway.
So Far I have gotten my 11 month old son~
Disney Pixar Cars Movie
Disney Pixar Cars Chair
A little musical infant boom box
a set of miniature soccer, basket and foot balls
A few other movies and books
some cars figures for his stocking
His birthday is 5 days before christmas and for that~
An infant basket ball hoop
A few movies and some books.