own room?
When did your baby sleep in their own room?
I have a little dilema.. Before Mallory was born, I wanted the pack and play (Bassinet, changing table, and play pen in one unit). So I got it for my shower and we assembled it in our room for her to sleep in.
SHE HATES IT. Cries as soon as you put her down or wont stay asleep for long after you put her down (if you are successful). She does like the cradle we have in our living room.. so today, I rearranged our bedroom to fit the cradle. We will try that.. in the meantime.. we had her sleeping with us (for about 4 nights now)... I dont want her to get too used to it.
She LOVES her crib.. she sleeps in there in the day time.. so, I dont think it will be too hard to get her to sleep in there when the time comes.. just wondered when you put your baby in their own room.. for their sake and for Mommy's! LOL
Mommy to Mallory, 4 weeks and 1 day old.
My experience, and I am a first-time mommy....... Since we live in a tri-level & Hunter's bedroom is on another level of the house, I did not put him into his own room until he was 5 months (October 22) He is sleeping like a PRO, way better than mommy!!! HA HA HA HA HA He was in our room in his bassinette since one month, when we brought him home from the hospital, & I was breastfeedin & was healing from a nasty c-section, I ended up having him co-sleep with us for the first month, then to the bassinette next to our bed, then to his crib in his own room!!
I am sure I could have done the crib thing earlier, but....... I did not!! He is a GREAT sleeper in his own room, and I am sure all 3 of us are getting better sleep now too.
I hope that the cradle does work out until you get het into her room!!
I think you'd be wise to follow her cues and let her sleep in her crib now, that way she won't get used to sleeping with you and trying to break that habit! We literally kicked Kaden out of our room at 2 months old because he was such a noisy sleeper, and none of us were getting much rest with him in the room (pack and play too). If you're worried about not hearing her, get yourself a monitor. In most houses I'd venture to say that mommy doesn't need a monitor unless the baby is on the other side of the house, you'll probably hear her every whimper without the monitor. Our house is small and we used the monitor at first, but it was as bad as having him in the room with us, and we heard him just fine with the doors open. Good luck@!