Viral rash update...
Ugh, who knew there was so much to know! Well, I stayed home with Kaden on Monday since I'd gotten a sub anyway. It was a good thing because my bladder infection came back with a vengence. So I finally got meds called in and went to work on Tuesday. Picked up an even MORE spotted Kaden from childcare on Tuesday afternoon! This time it was more bright red and bumpy. He looked a little worse for the wear, but had had a good day and generally was in a pretty good mood all things considered. It was already 3 by then and I couldn't get him in to see his doctor that afternoong, but LUCKILY his own doctor was on call for the Urgent Care clinic that night. I really like his doc by the way. So we take him in again, and he gives him a good once-over and says again, viral rash. This time though, he's got a fever, which means it could be contageous. Lovely, and I sent him to childcare that day. I feel awful. I guess it happens though, and its not like I would have sent him if I knew he could become contageous again. I'd probably freak out if I picked up my kid from childcare and saw another with spots like he had. So, my parents drove up a day early and stayed with him Wednesday and Thursday. Good thing they moved here and love him so much, well, thats WHY they moved here, so we're all lucky. He was kind of feverish and slept a LOT on Wednesday. His appetite was not as good as usual either, but all in all, for how bad he looked he didn't act or seem to be feeling as poorly. Tomorrow we're back to the regular schedule, and hopefully he didn't give it to anyone (though I don't know where he got it... I guess I'll have to get used to that fact!).
Hey girl a viral rash that doesnt sound to pleasent pour guy. It's not your fault thought. Nate got bit by a maquito (sp) like 8 times one morning and he hadnt been outside and i so freaked out. But he has been sick with congestion and teething already. I hope your little one gets better and hope you feel better
Donna please don't feel bad,there is no way you could have known that it was contagious! I bet you were glad that Kaden's doc happened to be on call. Nice to know your parents are close by to help you guys out. I don't know about anyone else, but my relationship with my Mom has gotten even better since Mallory came along. I guess I see her in a bit of a different light now.
Sending "well baby" dust your way!!!
Well, our viral rash is a little lighter. Ped says that its definately from the virus and not the meds. I know it sounds funny to say antibiotics for a viral illness, but you have to cover pneumonia to prevent secondary infection in the lungs, which is very dangerous. Anyway, we sent her to preschool Monday, and it was Monday night that we started this whole ordeal. So needless to say she was probably contagious and we didnt know it. Don't feel bad. Kids will pass the crud around, its what helps build immunity. I have no clue where Ella picked up this mess, but I'm sure she has done her part to help keep it going!!!
Hope yours is feeling better soon!