Hunter is 4 months today!!!!
It is so hard for me to believe!!! He is such a happy and smiley baby!!!! He LOVES going to the sitter & I think it is GOOD for him to be able to interact with other kids while he is there.
We got a picture of him leaning on the moose antlers, it is SOOOOOO cute!! Of course he is wearing camo!! Yes, we were successful this year with a moose!! Not sure of how much other meat (steaks & such) we have, but I do know we got 25lbs of sausage & 75lbs of burger in the freezer.
He goes in October 5th for his shots. We think he is teething. He is SOOOO close to rolling over, we are in for it when that happens!!!!!
My job is going ok. I REALLY wish the lady at my other job (I was "filling in" over at the phone company for the last year, but not enough hours) would RETIRE, I would go there in a heartbeat!! But, we needed to pay the bills & so I had to get a full time permant job!! It is over 3.00 an hour less, but it is the 40 hours a week I can count on!! We will now survive financially!!
-Jamie & Hunter