Good infant toys for Christmas!!
Gooo Jess!
I took pictures and a video of Danny playing with his so you could see what this crazy thing does. I'm gonna try to post it on my www (the pics at least) You can see some of the other toys too that I was talking about. Don't mind the mess... the playroom always gets that way before bedtime when mommy gets to put everything away so Danny can make a mess again the next day. The pics are under "my public shoebox"
If I can't find somewhere to put the video, I'll email it to you... sooo funny!
Thanks!!! I couldn't wait to open it either. Wait until you get the box... You can't even see the toy inside of it so curiousity was killing me. I couldn't even wait until OCTOBER so he got it now! I wish I bought the store out of what was left but they had a one per customer notice on the front door and there were only 2 on the shelf... two of the boxes were mauled. I should've known it was gonna be as big as cabbage patch kids were in the 80s.
The Fisher Price Roll-a-Rounds and the Peek-a-Blocks are great. They're great for babies 6mos and up. Alexis has a few of the Roll-a-Rounds that she loves to play with. She learned that when she throws them on the kitchen floor, they roll like hell. People asked me a few weeks ago what to get her for her birthday, and I told everyone those things and gift cards for clothes. Needless to say, NO BODY got the damn things (why bother asking then?????). So we're going to get her those for Christmas this year. The Monkey Chase from FP is cool too, great for crawlers. Just go to the Fisher Price website to check it all out. I get the catalog every couple of months.
Alexis-- 1 year and 3 weeks