Happy Labor DAY!!!!!!!!
Hope everyone has a GREAT labor day & even get in a few extra activities today, like a BBQ, maybe!!!!
Hunter & I are going to be hanging out to day!!!
Since he has been being to put in his basinette to go to sleep he has done MARVELOUS!!!!!!!!!! And with his 3:00am feeding, I have been keeping him in there, not popping into bed with us!!!!!!!!!!!! *****YAY MOMMA*****
For the past 2 nights he has not woke up for his 3:00am feeding!!!! YAY I am learning to take the sleeping thru the night thing one night at a time!!!
I am hoping in October I will be taking him and putting him in his crib for the night. It is on the other floor, but we have a monittor, and I think he will be old enough, past 4 months, so we will see!!!!
Work is going alright, just LOTS of detail, but I think I am getting the hang of it!
Fall has officially arrived here along with scholl and the state fair, so DH & I are scrambling to get "buckled in" for the impending winter & snow!!!!
^^^^^^^^^^^No Moose yet, Him & his buddy are going on a trip at the end of the week for a week, so I am hoping they have luck up there!!!!
Have a GREAT holiday!!
-Jamie & Hunter