Where Is Everyone??!!!!!!!!
It is about 8am and it is 48 above. We finally got a computer ordered, so, hopefully this one will behave until the first week if September when we get the other one switched over.
The good new is that Hunter slept until 3:30am!!! I was wondering how long it would take him to get back to that. Since he has been going to the sitter, he was sleeping until 1:00am or 1:30am, I think that was just him having to get used to being at the sitters and all of that excitement, he was not sleeping during the day.
Have a GREAT day
-Jamie & Hunter
Sounds like Hunter is adjusting fairly well. Sorry, I haven't been around much but work has been nuts this week. It's 1:20 pm and I'm just taking my first break of the day and I got here at 5:30am. Thankfully my PT evening job has been really slow this week. I love the people there and am hoping I won't have to give it up after the baby comes. I know I'll never find another PT job as good as this one every again. They're begging me to come back after Sadie's born so they like me just as much. It's looking like I may have to work some OT for my full time job this weekend to try to catch some things up. We have one lady out on maternity leave so it leaves us strapped for help. I'd rather do the OT on Saturday morning than trying to fit it in during the week anyway. Well, I better get back to work so I can go home sometime today.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
Michelle G
Im sorry I have ben MIA. My home computer only has dialup avail, so if i dont get online early in the morning i cant get online at all. I just started back to work this pass monday and the manager is so pissy abt going online. I have been there for a long time and I fear he will fire me if I go online too much. I hope to get back into the swing of work and then I can go online on my lunch and breaks.
Jamie- I love when you say your temp and then above.... thats so strange to me... its almost always above "down" here...
I am so proud of Hunter.. He will be sleepping through the night before you know it.
Angel & Aiden
So, how is your first week back going? I hope well!! I know before long, you will be back into the swing of things!
I usually try & make time to get online in the morning now that I am back at work, I am just too busy when I come home at night to be able to get online then...... I have chores & then dinner, then time with honey & baby, then our nighttime routine...... BREATHE, Jamie..... I'm getting the handle of things here.... honest!!
Have a GREAT day!
-Jamie & Hunter