Good Morning
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today I am attempting to make potatoe salad and baked beans
this is going to be interesting. It takes me several trys to get any dish correct.
I would like to make the board more active. Any ideas?
What cute things did your babes do this weekend? Any new milestones anyone would like to share?
We have been working with Aidens crawling. He wants to be mobile but he hasnt figured out he has the ability to do it. We put him on his belly & show him how to crawl he gets bored quick & just rolls over to his bac****ep telling your not going to get anywhere on you back
Angel & Aiden
Hello there!!!! It is 6:30 here and it is 42 above. Been raining since Thursday!!!!
I would like to see the board more active too. No ideas yet on that.
Hunter is getting to be a pro at the coordination of his fist-to-mouth! He learned to make a new noise, it sounds like static on the tv!!! HA HA HA HA HA His eyes get SO BIG when I do it back to him, you can see that he is like "wow, she knows that one too!!" I got him one day to take a nap in his crib, we are slowly "getting there". Our house has a strange lay out. It is a tri-level. The bottom floor is 2 bedrooms (our room and his hobby room) and a bathroom, the the middle floor, has the entry way & garage. Before Mark bought this house, someone made a bedroom from 3/4 of the garage, which is Hunter's room, and the top floor is the living room, kitchen and dining room. Hunter sleeps in his bassinette next to our bed, ONLY after he falls asleep in bed with us! ----------- The goal is eventually to have him sleeping in his crib (but that seems SO FAR away from our bedroom!!). The lay out of this house is strange. So we will have to work on things!!
Have a WONDERFUL day today!
-Jamie & Hunter
your house lay out would make it hard to put him in his own room. I wouldnt like been on different floors than Aiden. A's bedroom is right next to ours and I can hear everything in his room. Before we moved in here A & I sleep in the living room together; me on the sofa and him next to me in his cosleeper. I didnt want to wake daddy up. Anyways we moved in here and I put A in his own bedroom & he has never made a fuse and he started sleeping through the night.
Aiden wont sleep with us. He doesnt mind been put in bed with us he just wont go to sleep. He is so curious & nosey that if something is going on he wont go to sleep. If I try laying him down next to me he wants to sit up and play- always has. If I put him in his own bed(crib or playpen) he will go to sleep. Go figure I fear its the calm before the storm. It cant be this easy.
Angel & Aiden
hi angel,well my lil jensen is finally walking!!! he just turned 14 months on the 10th of august. i was getting nervous, but i talked to some other moms and some didnt walk till 15 months. so now im sooooo relieved. he already loves the park, took him out to the big slides and he went down and climbed all the way back up, over and over!! this is a really fun age. just shows ya, all babies are so different. have a great day!!!
Hello everyone!! Today I am still packing we only have 6 more days to go. My special DH is getting on my nerves
He is a procastinator or how ever you spell it I don't care. Anyways Emily just turned 10 months today and she is finally crawing or should I say scooting her way all over. She has also learned to sit up I was worried about everything that she is behind, but not on the teeth!! She has 8!!! My son is sad because we had to sell one of the dogs, because we are moving and the other one is sold but the lady hasn't came to get him yet? Well anyways I could go on and on but I got to get packen hope you all have a great day!!! Melissa mom to Emily10m and Dillon 7
I posted an invite to come over & check us out on the main board, at least I THINK it was the main board??!! It is strange since they switched over sites, so I am not too sure, just looks different from this boards posting & it has me as smileyjamie (my yahoo user ID) as opposed to Jamie Kluck??!! I HOPE I did things right, HA HA HA HA
-Jamie & Hunter