Thursday!!!! One day closer to the weekend
Good Morning!!! Today is a BIG day in our household. Today is opening day of archery moose season!!!! My DH is out looking for Dinner to last us until next moose season!!!! It is nice to be with a hunter, I like game meat, and in the long run it is work, but well worth it!!
I am looking foward to tomorrow, I can go yard saling if the weather is decent!!! I have been looking for stuff for Hunter. You just never know what you are going to find!!! Kinda like treasure hunting!!! HA HA HA
HAVE A TERIFFIC DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Jamie & Hunter
We will have alot of the moose meat ground up (like hamburger meat) and do easy stuff like hamburger helper, spaghetti, and stuff like that. YES, it is true, moose will dry out, but my DH is the cook, and he know how to keep it moist. We will add a tad bit of bacon grease when we pan fry something!! It is lean, so it just needs cooked a little differently.