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on 7/14/12 12:38 pm
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call
 Donna, I love what you said about the "self torture." How many years upon years have we done htat with clothes in our closets that wouldn't fit. Less is more. Stick with a few things that fit well and be done with it!

Also - good for you for moving ahead with the job applications. Let me toss a word in about working for Apple Retail. Extremely cool, lots of learning, and great work environment. You get to teach every day, just in a different mode. 
Patricia R.
on 7/14/12 11:56 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: 3 Years Tomorrow
 Happy Surgiversary Lynn,
That is awesome.  Your successing has been an encouragement to me.  I always admired your positive attitude and honesty.  I also appreciate that you did not stop posting here when you moved to the Sunshine State.

Keep up the great work.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 7/14/12 2:47 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call
Good Afternoon Beth,
I'm sorry it's so hard to visit your folks.  I struggle with seeing my Mom, because she is always picking fights with me.   My Dad's been gone since 1977.  He only held my daughter a few times when she was an infant and toddler.  He never knew any of his other grandchildren.  I was barely 20 years old at the time of his death, and my baby brother was 11 years old.  I envy anyone whose father is still alive.  As for my Mom, she is a go getter.  She is always busy, going thrift store shopping, volunteering at the VA hospital a block from her house.  

Today, I am heading out to an AA meeting in an hour.  I also have laundry to fold and put away, and tidying to do.  

I hope everyone has a blessed weekend.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 7/14/12 1:50 am - PA
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call
Good morning Beth and PA,

     I usually can not get on the computer until late but today no one is home so here I am.  Sorry about the health situation with your parents.  My dad will be dead 19 years in December but my mom is still very active at 81.  I am so grateful for that.  She puts me to shame with all she does daily.  As I say - no grass grows under her feet.  She even goes down Cape May with me to do volunteer work in the summer.  That has been a nice bonding time for us and something that just the two of us share.  

     On my agenda for today is food shopping, laundry and cleaning my bedroom.  I have a huge pile of clothes on my chair that are too small for me.  They have been sitting there for 2months and everytime I look at them I could cry.  I have decided that enough is enough with the self torture.  I need to continue to eliminate the negative and focus on the positive.  I came across some pictures of myself from 5 years ago and was amazed that I was in such denial as to my obesity.  Irregardless of my weight gain I am still much better off than I was before my surgery.  I saw my doctor yesterday for the first time in 15 months and was really worried that she would be angry about the weight I have put on.  She was super.  My blood pressure was phenomenal and she concurred that my life is so much better now than it was before WLS.  

     Sorry for the long windedness.  I am going to write out a plan of things that I need to get done before I leave for Cape May on 7/24.  A lot of that deals with filling out and returning job applications to Trader Joe's and Barnes and Noble.  I am also lining up some Catholic schools to submit my resume to so I can be put on their substitue lists.  The pity party is over and I need to get into action mode.  Hope that everyone has a good day and I am forever grateful for this board.

on 7/14/12 1:37 am - PA
Topic: RE: 3 Years Tomorrow
Congratulations Lynn and Happy Surgeiverary.  You have really done a super job in your program these past 3 years.  I always admired how you would sit at support group and write down different things in your notebook.  You truly are a student of WLS.  You know of the struggles I have had these past 15 months with my weight and how down I have gotten in the past.  Knowing people like you, Beth, Laureen, Arlene, Lisa and many others has helped not give up.  I often wonder how big I would be now if I hadn't had WLS and had to go through this past year.  Anyway enough about me (now I sound like Steffi).  You are dedicated to your continued successing and we know that this is a life long journey.  I am glad that our paths crossed and I also miss you (to echo Beth).  In case you are in PA and have any time this Wed. night is support group at Barix.  I am glad that even though you are living in Florida, you have not abandoned your PA peeps.  Take care my friend.

Love, Donna
on 7/14/12 1:24 am - PA
Topic: RE: Finally Friday roll call

     Your post about not going to synagogue really resonated with me.  I have been a Catholic all my life and basically have been surrounded by it because of attending Catholic schools, college and teaching in them.  For the past 7 months I have had nothing to do with any organized religion.  My personal spirituality is vital to me and I still pray and see a spiritual director.  I am also not certain what I believe any more.  I feel very connected to my Creator and want to keep that relationship as primary in my life.  What has happened as a result of that is I have to make the effort to feed my soul.  It cannot be done by osmosis because I am surrounded by Church activities and people.  It is forcing me to put my money where my mouth is and to put time and effort into my spiritual life.  I try to be a good person and follow the golden rule as best I can.  I believe that my Creator has brought me to where I am at the present time and will not desert me.  Just wanted to reach out and let you know that there are other people out here that can relate.

     Hope that you have a good visit with Siehara and you can get to the bottom of her situation.  I admire how you have dealt with all the situations this past year.  One day she will realize how lucky she is to have you as her Mom.  Take care.
on 7/13/12 11:34 pm
Topic: Saturday Roll Call

It has been awhile since I posted. With the summer job I just do not have time!! Only two and a half more weeks, then SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is my Mom's birthday. I want to go to see her today, but it is getting harder and harder to go there. Both of my folks are not doing well. My Dad refuses to get out of bed and my mom has been dehydrated....OY! If I don't go today I will go tomorrow since it is my parents wedding anniversary, 45 years together!! I know I need to go since I have no idea how much longer they will be here, but it isn't easy!

I also am planning on going to Kohl's to spend my Kohl's cash!! I want to look for a new comforter and pillows for my bed along with some summer clothes.

Then the usual laundry, cleaning, NEVER ends!!!

Have a great day!


on 7/13/12 11:25 pm
Topic: RE: 3 Years Tomorrow

Happy Surgiversary to you! Happy Surgiversary to you! Happy Surgiversary to Lynn! Happy Surgiversary to you (sung to the tune of Happy Birthday) You know I had to add a musical tone to this message.....pardon the pun!!

At three years out it is more of a challenge to keep on doing what we were doing so easily the first couple of years! I know I struggle food wise and exercise wise, but I continue! That is all we can do!!

I am so proud of you and all that you have done! Being the weight that you are is nothing to sneeze at, oh how I wish I was at that weight!! LOL!!!! Anyway, I want to wish you continued success in your journey. I am so glad that we met along the way....I miss you 

Love, Beth">">>

on 7/13/12 11:08 pm
Topic: 3 Years Tomorrow
 Tomorrow is my 3 year surgiversary - but it's not likely that I'll have much time for reflection, so let me take a moment now.

Where have I come in 3 years? Well, right now I am looking at some old pics of myself. Some are from my top weight of 247 lbs. Others from years when I wasn't quite that heavy - in fact, some that I considered "good" pictures at the time. I am amazed to look at those pictures today, seeing the fat deposits in my face, the thickness in my neck, the way my arms angled out from the sides of my body due to fat, and most of all my belly (which looked like a large pumpkin strapped on under my shirt or sweater.) 

My weight today is 168 lbs. I would love to be 10 lbs. lighter - that is the "bounce back" weight they all talk about, I guess. I never saw the 140's, but that's okay....I can't expect to return this 50-something body back to that of a teenager, and I am fine with that! What is more important than the number on the scale are the other measures of success that I count:

My blood pressure that runs about 100/65.
My cholesterol, which was at last count...140!!!!
My new wardrobe, with mostly size 6-8 and S-M. 
The changes in my life: the confidence, the happiness, the overall sence of well being.
Realizing that I have won a huge victory over caffeine, over refined carbs, over sugar.  (Well, sugar rears its head every so often....just enough to remind me to steer wide and clear.)
Realizing that food plays a very different role in my life than it had for many, many years. It's It's not my best friend. It's not comfort. It's not the source of all pleasure. It's nourishment. 

I'm not perfect. My exercise - an area where I was diligent for the first 2 1/2 years - has slacked off with changes of schedule and a change of gym. I know what I need to do - dump the gym membership and go back to my jazzercise classes, which I love. I've picked up - and put down - the diet Pepsi habit once again. I've eaten sweets more times than I should - and here, I think back to one of my first support groups when Shauna said she had given up sugar and refined carbs. I wondered that day if I could ever say the same thing. Well, mostly yes. But not 110%. 

I'm too busy in the next few days to give myself the kind of celebration I probably ought to....but there will be celebration in my future! Trust me!

And for the year ahead....
I renew my commitment to moving my body.
I renew my commitment to avoid refined sugar - knowing that my body will reject it anyway.
I will explore options for some facial plastic surgery to give me a brighter smile (and less droopy eyelids, and less wrinkly neck!)

Thanks to all of YOU for support, encouragement, and being the "go to" place during these 3 years!!!

Lisa H.
on 7/13/12 12:49 am - Whitehall, PA
Topic: RE: Finally Friday roll call
Hey Lynn.. I'm thinking it's part of her social anxiety issues.  It's weird since she knows a lot of the girls there, though.  It's usually in a new environment.  The advisor asked if maybe it was body image issues and I said it was possible, but when we were shopping for shorts she commented that she felt better wearing shorter shorts than she used to, so I really don't know.    She also said that she is not showering properly... apparently she's not using soap or something.  I'm not surprised.  She has done that at home.. she'll get under the water, but not get clean.  I don't know what's up with that either, and with not swimming, I'm sure she does not smell too pretty.. 

I hope we can get to the bottom of this.  She asked me to bring up some coloring books she had bought for herself, so I will do that.  Maybe she just needs to decompress with something like coloring.  It is a great stress reliever... now to find where she put them in her room.  

As far as synagogue, I'm still not sure.  I'm not sure what I get out of it, if anything.  I don't know what I believe in anymore.  I believe that there's a G-d, but don't know to what extent, or what my going to the service actually does for me other than show others that I am there.  


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