Celebrating Life

Laureen S.
on 4/24/13 5:56 am, edited 4/24/13 8:01 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I went on vacation to Florida last Tuesday, not that that in and of itself is terribly unique, because I have been going there for over 30 years now, but last week, something was different. . .

I arrived in Orlando to spend some time with my two daughters, the older who turned 38 last Wednesday and she told me that we would be going to Disney the following day, me, her and her sister (my 35 yo baby).  We had talked about doing that last time I was there, so I was happy that she was able to get us in (the price was right (almost free)), she has a tenant in the apartment complex she manages that works there and he got us in. . .  anyway, I spent the entire day walking, taking photos and riding various rides. . .  not unusual you would think. . .  but a mere 6 years ago, I could not do such a thing, as my obesity kept me from enjoying such things.  You see it was 6 years ago in March that my then 9 yo granddaughter asked if I would go to Disney with her, she'd been there many times, since they live there, but she wanted to go with me and it was that request that ultimately sent me to seek out a surgeon I could have a consult with, because life was passing me by. . .  I was 51 years old and had stopped living a full life because I had become a prisoner to my own body.  One of the goals I set when I set up my profile on OH was to go to Disney with my granddaughter. . . well, while she was not with us, I am now able to say I have accomplished that goal and DAMN I AM PROUD of THAT!!!  

After Orlando, I headed to Pompano Beach to spend time with a dear old friend and while there we walked and walked, one day walking about 3 miles or more on the beach, me loading my pockets with coral that washed up on the beach, then the last day, she had a tennis match and they have a walking track at the park, it is a 5k track and I walked it 1.5 times in about 55 minutes and came home from vacation weighing 3 lbs. less than when I left.  I thank God each day for the gift of WLS and while I don't use my tool well each day, I use it well enough to be living a life that is fuller and richer than it was for a number of years. . . 

I'd like to thank the surgeons and nurses, the admins at Barix, as well as Shauna, Dennis and the many people who once populated this board and encouraged me every step of the way!  Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, I wish you peace, joy and happiness, you made me believe I could do things that for years I dreamed of. . .  TODAY I DO THEM!!!

So if you are considering this lifestyle, and like me you feel held back by your obesity. . .  be willing to live your dreams, because life is an interactive experience. . .


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Patricia R.
on 4/25/13 12:16 am - Perry, MI
Hi Laureen,
I loved your Facebook posts while you were in Florida. I am right there with you on the 'experiencing all life has to offer.' I had my surgery in '06. The next year, my daughter gave me my first grandchild, and my son got married. Now that I live near my grandchildren, I'm loving life like I never could have weighing over 300 pounds.

I am very grateful for Dr. Maymor, the staff at Barix, and all the people who used to post here then. I wish the PA forum were active like it once was.

Now that I live in Michigan, I am about 90 minutes from Ypsilanti where there is a Barix. I intend to go there for my annual visits. My sister asked me why I just don't find a bariatric surgeon closer. She doesn't understand us Barix Babies.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 4/25/13 3:38 am - Maple Shade, NJ


That's great about living close enough that you can go to a Barix Clinic for follow-up, truly they are wonderful. . .  and you definitely sound like life there agrees with you. . .  so happy for you!!!

Hugs back atcha, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 4/27/13 10:35 am

Trish, I hadn't put two and two together that you will be able to continue at Barix in Michigan! Good for you!

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