Thanksgiving Irony
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,
I hope everyone had a joyous day. I know I did. Way too much food, and desserts. My sis-in-law loves to bake pies, especially on Thanskgiving. So, in addition to the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and homemade cranberry sauce, she made we had six pies, a cheesecake and homemade brownies for dessert. We had a whole dessert for each person at dinner. Fortunately, there were three no-sugar added pies in the mix, two pumpkin and one apple. So, at the end of the visit, everyone packs leftovers to take home, so they can have more tomorrow. And, we always divide the desserts up between us. Here's the irony, I have the smallest tummy in the family. So, of course, I end up with the most desserts. I now have a whole no-sugar added apple pie, and a half of a no-sugar added pumpkin pie. I know I won't be able to eat them before they go stale. Argh!
Have a great Black Friday.
Albert Schweitzer