Wonderful Wednesday Roll Call
Good Morning Nicole and PA!
LOOONNGG DAY yesterday. Today is going to be busy as well. I am covering for the other music teacher since she is at the district spelling bee this morning. LOVE the last minute notice....Thank goodness for dvd's!! After work yesterday I went on a quest to find a pair of black footed tights for Dee. You would think that it would be easy to find, NOT!! I went into Children's Place at Franklin Mills and all they had were footless tights, so I bought them and some socks. Then I went to Burlington Coat Factory and searched for the tights there. Low and behold they had them and they were only $5!! So, I picked up two pairs(just in case).
Today is wor****il 3:30. Home to try and do some stuff that I NEED to do!! Last minute preps for some special event this weekend.....Then family time! Tomorrow and Friday are going to be my hell days!! So much to do and time is running out!!
Have a great day!
Love, Beth
LOOONNGG DAY yesterday. Today is going to be busy as well. I am covering for the other music teacher since she is at the district spelling bee this morning. LOVE the last minute notice....Thank goodness for dvd's!! After work yesterday I went on a quest to find a pair of black footed tights for Dee. You would think that it would be easy to find, NOT!! I went into Children's Place at Franklin Mills and all they had were footless tights, so I bought them and some socks. Then I went to Burlington Coat Factory and searched for the tights there. Low and behold they had them and they were only $5!! So, I picked up two pairs(just in case).
Today is wor****il 3:30. Home to try and do some stuff that I NEED to do!! Last minute preps for some special event this weekend.....Then family time! Tomorrow and Friday are going to be my hell days!! So much to do and time is running out!!
Have a great day!
Love, Beth
I am here today in work still fighting this crud I have seemed to catch. I feel mentally and physically beat up today. I just wanted to stay in bed all day today but got dressed and came to work.
Just when I think that an issue has been put t rest it seems to reappear yet again. Immaturity levels just seem to amaze me in older adults. TOXIC!!!!!
I will get through work then see if I can keep the plans I have for tonight or else curl up in my bed. To try and get out of this downer mood.
Just when I think that an issue has been put t rest it seems to reappear yet again. Immaturity levels just seem to amaze me in older adults. TOXIC!!!!!
I will get through work then see if I can keep the plans I have for tonight or else curl up in my bed. To try and get out of this downer mood.
Good morning everyone!
I got to sleep in til about 7:20 this morning. Much needed extra sleep! Our schools had a 2 hour delay due to the temperature being so low. Thankfully, they're off to school.
Last night I had to go buy 2 knee braces to hold my kneecap up. Making a WORLD of difference today! I got lots of tips from some friends about how to run and not hurt...today, I'm going to google proper technique for "foot strike"...I thought running was just like walking only faster...never occurrred to me there was some thought that had to go into it.
Had my nail appt. cancelled and rescheduled for the 2nd time last night. Both due to our crappy weather. So, tonight it's a tour of "beauty salons". Sierra has an appt to get her hair highlighted, then a 20 minute drive to get my nails done. I'll get home in time to shower and go to bed.
My life is so fulfilling... -_-
I got to sleep in til about 7:20 this morning. Much needed extra sleep! Our schools had a 2 hour delay due to the temperature being so low. Thankfully, they're off to school.
Last night I had to go buy 2 knee braces to hold my kneecap up. Making a WORLD of difference today! I got lots of tips from some friends about how to run and not hurt...today, I'm going to google proper technique for "foot strike"...I thought running was just like walking only faster...never occurrred to me there was some thought that had to go into it.
Had my nail appt. cancelled and rescheduled for the 2nd time last night. Both due to our crappy weather. So, tonight it's a tour of "beauty salons". Sierra has an appt to get her hair highlighted, then a 20 minute drive to get my nails done. I'll get home in time to shower and go to bed.
My life is so fulfilling... -_-
MUCH better day underway for me today! I'm not sure exactly what got into me yesterday but I was in a funk all day.
Today...work is rolling along. Lots of extras squeezed in....donating books to the library book sale (a relief since they have been in my car for a week!), a hair trim and gym time this evening. Looking good!
My dog needs to have a surgical procedure on her eye on Monday in DE. Poor thing! And poor me! Literally, when you go to a veterinary ophthalmologist you'd better have your wallet ready! And this is her 2nd time!
Today...work is rolling along. Lots of extras squeezed in....donating books to the library book sale (a relief since they have been in my car for a week!), a hair trim and gym time this evening. Looking good!
My dog needs to have a surgical procedure on her eye on Monday in DE. Poor thing! And poor me! Literally, when you go to a veterinary ophthalmologist you'd better have your wallet ready! And this is her 2nd time!