Annabelle... Liz's etc...
Well the swelling on her head has gone down a lot... so we might be able to see santa this week after all... for those that missed I was trying to strap her in to Mia's high chair and she stood up and took a nose dive into the tray and the toy on it... but she won't let me go near her head at all... if you point to her nose she says Owe... lol.. it is still swollen some but not as nearly as bad... she is now curled up on the couch with me rubbing her tummy and doing her happy growl lol... silly kid!
And Lorelei made me try on all the clothes from today for Jeremy... and Jeremy agrees my boobs look awesome in the red shirt... and he about fell over that I brought home dresses and I looked good in them lol...
He even said he should of gone with because he got bored and didn't know that Liz was making chicken meatballs and peanut butter balls lol...
Thank you all that helped with the aftermath that was Annabelle and the coats and other clothing items... you all ROCK!!!