A request for some thoughts and prayers
Hey all,
Most of you know about the sudden passing of my Aunt a few months back, and since then, all the brothers and sisters (my aunts and uncles) are going for stress tests.My mom had a stress test done last Monday which came back abnormal. (it would.. she's overweight...) and quit smoking right then. Thursday morning when she woke up, she was very tight in her chest, and having trouble breathing... Being the stubborn Irish woman she is, she went to work anyway. Around noon, she couldn't take it anymore, and drove herself to Lower Bucks hospital. They admitted her, and she's been in since then. Of course she didn't tell me any of this until about 4:00 on Thursday afternoon.... grrr... parents... They're saying she's having a bronchial spasam, and can't get her pulse-ox to register. She's scheduled to have a cardiac cath done on Wedns. and according to the DR, she's going to be there until then. They can't really pin point what the problem is... So me, being the completely rational/sane person I am... am freaking out. She's in the cardiac unit, with a heart monitor, and it just seems like they don't have any answers for us...
Anywho.. please just keep her in your thoughts and prayers... :( I'll keep y'all updated.
Most of you know about the sudden passing of my Aunt a few months back, and since then, all the brothers and sisters (my aunts and uncles) are going for stress tests.My mom had a stress test done last Monday which came back abnormal. (it would.. she's overweight...) and quit smoking right then. Thursday morning when she woke up, she was very tight in her chest, and having trouble breathing... Being the stubborn Irish woman she is, she went to work anyway. Around noon, she couldn't take it anymore, and drove herself to Lower Bucks hospital. They admitted her, and she's been in since then. Of course she didn't tell me any of this until about 4:00 on Thursday afternoon.... grrr... parents... They're saying she's having a bronchial spasam, and can't get her pulse-ox to register. She's scheduled to have a cardiac cath done on Wedns. and according to the DR, she's going to be there until then. They can't really pin point what the problem is... So me, being the completely rational/sane person I am... am freaking out. She's in the cardiac unit, with a heart monitor, and it just seems like they don't have any answers for us...
Anywho.. please just keep her in your thoughts and prayers... :( I'll keep y'all updated.
If your mom is having issues, then she's in the best place. I remember going through all the heart stuff with my dad---it can be really scary. He was terrified to have a heart cath done, but then found the worst of it was having to lay flat for hours afterward. Ask lots of questions to be sure you understand what's going on; take notes if you have to. And don't forget to take care of yourself during this time!! I'll keep your mom, you, and the rest of your family in my prayers!!!
Hugs and prayers heading your way. Your mom will be alright as the good lord takes care of good people. I am in Bucks county if you need anything just ask. I will PM you my cell# feel free to call me I am literally minutes away from Lower Bucks. Hang in there it's tough when it's your parents.
Hugs and prayers heading your way. Your mom will be alright as the good lord takes care of good people. I am in Bucks county if you need anything just ask. I will PM you my cell# feel free to call me I am literally minutes away from Lower Bucks. Hang in there it's tough when it's your parents.
I am close to lower bucks too - if you need a place to crash locally, just say the word. Many times during a cath, they find an issue and be able to take care of it right there, like putting a stent in a blockage. Hang in there, take care of yourself and like everyone said, she is in the best place.
Hoping for the best possible outcome.
Hoping for the best possible outcome.
Praying for your mom and you. I live in Bristol, if you need anything, let me know.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer