***Just Barely Thursday Roll Call***
Good Morning Pa!
So it really is just barely Thursday...it's 0009 lol
Came back to work tonight - and was quite worried what the night would bring as the parking lot was soooo full, I joked that we should have parked on the other campus in Bethlehem and walked to Atown from there lol Shockingly, though, it has been, shall we say, well controlled? I dare not anger the ER gods by saying more than that.
After work stopping by Lisa's house....can't wait to see her for a few mins.
After that it'll be off to the gym. If I get there in time I'll do a spin class from 8:15-9:00 If not I'll do my c25k program. Heck...I might do both depending on timing and how awake I still feel.
Also have a TON of mail to go through and possibly some phone calls to make - although that may wait (the phone calls) until tomorrow.
Have a GREAT day, Pa!!

I am at work today then off to the salon to drop a small fortune on getting my hair colored, and a updo trial. I have 2 different birdcage veils and I am not sure which one I like, nor do I know if I want my hair up or down. So we will be doing some playing....then we will take a picture so I can give it to the stylist at the mirage to recreate the day of the wedding. Dear Lord this is gonna be expensive. Not much after that. Spent time on the phone with the chapel last night finalizing some plans. Still stressing about the music and what to use. I have too many choices. Outfit still has not arrived, so that is worrisome. My step mom sent me an email about changing the plan from the grand canyon to the hoover dam and wanted to know if we were ok with the change?
I wrote her back and told her " Ok we will go on the DAM Tour" oh my she totally did not get the joke LOL. I so wish my dad would actually communicate about stuff instead of through her because he would have gotten it.
Did my back on track home work and man it took me about 1 hr, but it is good. Things worth doing are worth taking time over.
Stay dry warm and safe today

Colored my hair myself yesterday during the day, then went to Empire for the cut. The student was very nervous, but with help from her teacher, she did an awesome job! I posted pics on FB.
Last night's doctor visits with Siehara turned into quite the adventure. We went in for the headaches and came out with a referral to an orthopedist (for her still hurting ankle), a Z-pak, nasal spray, Advair inhaler, and rescue inhaler (for wheezing and sinus stuff that is most likely the cause of the headaches) and food changes for the possibility of migraines in case the sinus stuff doesn't fix the headaches. AND no flu shot until the wheezing goes away.. At the psychiatrist, we just got updated Rx's to fill. Thank goodness we have Medicaid for her or I'd be even broker than I am now. What fun my step mom and friends are going to have this weekend with her meds. I wrote everything down by time of day so they (and we) can keep up. OYE!
Today has me working til 3:30.. need to go to the bank at some point to move some money around for my trip to HOUSTON TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nope, not excited at all.. nope nope nope.
After work, take Siehara to Hebrew School, where I will stick around and fold and address flyers for a Sisterhood event that is taking place next weekend. It was supposed to be in the synagogue bulletin, but somehow was missed. Oh well, no big deal for me to handle the mailer during the 1 hr 45 mins that she is in Hebrew School.
From there, we will head to the gym for Pilates. Home, then, where my step mom is coming to sleep over so she is here in the morning for Siehara to get on the bus. I found out that it will be cheaper for me to drive to the airport and pay for parking, than to take a cab, so I will do that. I'm so excited for the weekend!! I'll probably post the weekend's roll call tonight when I am anxiously waiting for 4:30 am to come so I can leave for the trip!
I am taking a few hours off this morning. Going to the local community college for a Career Link program with my husband. He's been out of work since February after his heart surgery. He's not able to go back to his old job and having a hard time finding another truck driving job. He has a perfect 10 yr driving record too. He didn't think, with his record, he'd have such a hard time finding another driving job! That's just our luck though. I'll go into work after that. Probably about noonish till 5. Zumba class tonight @ 6 with Cherish and my daughter! Fun stuff!!
Yesterday was my birthday! It was just a normal day, which I like. No fussing over it! My daughter made dinner and the husband cleaned up afterwards. It was a nice day.
Hope everyone stays dry and warm today.
Have a good one folks!
I am working from home today. I have my 1 year check up with my surgeon. I am really excited to seem him. Last time I saw him I was laying in a hospital bed out of it on pain medication. I am 2 pounds below his goal weight for me, can't believe I did that!
I am glad I'm home I do not like driving in the rain, I have problems seeing when it's raining and in the dark, so I have an appt with my eye doc in two weeks have to remember to mention that to him. Getting older is crazy at times.
Other than working from home and seeing my surgeon the other highlight of my day is spending it with Gene - today is his day off from clients. I'm so excited - yesterday he received an offer to apply for a full time professor position at a local university so he will be getting his CV, Resume, and a cover letter together to submit. Like he said the pool for the position will be pretty big so he's looking towards the interview process to use as a learning curve for future positions he'll possibly apply for.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Morning Pam and PA - nasty drive in to work today - miserable darkness and rain - ugh - bad combination. But we made it safely so I'll stop whining now.
I'm having one of my 'tired' weeks - does anyone else get them? It may be the time change coming and the fact that its dark so early, but honestly I have had no energy and wake up to tired, red eyes. I don't feel like I'm sleeping bad but something is going on. I've been watching my carbs this week and upping my protein hoping that helps a little. Yes, taking my vits - I'm religious about that - but I'm also having some potty issues so that could also be contributing to my current state. Oh well, this too shall pass (and hopefully soon!).
So work today - threw a meatloaf together this morning to pop in the oven tonight - I'm taking tomorrow off - PT in the morning, then getting my nails done. Home to do some cleaning and laundry. Tomorrow night one of my bff's is coming down to spend the night and we're off on a major shopping excursion Saturday - woo-hoo!!
Stay warm and DRY out there everybody - have a great day.
It's dreary, cold and rainy outside. But I am a Ray full of Sunshine! Tomorrow is my wedding day and I am so exctied.
Today is last minute packing up, organizing, and a quick errand. Then just relaxing. (yeah right!)
Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!