Some things just don't get old!

on 10/28/10 1:05 am - Philadelphia, PA
As I sat down at the theater in New York yeterday - I immediately pulled out my phone and texted Larry the following, "I fit in the seat...AGAIN!"  I realized that I told him this on Saturday night at the Phillies game also.  I started to think to myself - hmmm...wonder if this will ever get old - the being excited about sitting comfortably in a seat and not being worried about smooshing the person next to me - or to be worried what they think about sitting next to a fat person.

That got me thinking about other things that have been relatively new to me in the last 19 months and how they are STILL stinking exciting:   Putting on a pair of pants without having to suck it in....taking a shower without having to LIFT any body parts to get them clean,.... trying on a shirt in what I EXPECT to be my size only to realize that it is too big,.......rolling over at night and NOT having to put the CPAP machine on ......getting to a restaurant and not being worried about not fitting in a booth.....looking down and not seeing a belly that is disgusting to flirting with me and me feeling like I deserve it - THAT IS TOTALLY NEW.......being even more confident that I can say whatever it is that I am feeling.

I am sure there are plenty more - but these are just some of the ones that come to mind.  How about you - are there any things that are still exciting even though it may be that you have done them or felt them for a while now?
on 10/28/10 1:15 am - Boothwyn, PA
I hope these things NEVER get old for us, Steffi - it reinforces just how far we've come in our journeys and how much better we are feeling health wise and just over-all.

Yesterday I was leaving work and saw the building manager in the hall and called out Hi to him and he answered and we chatted for a moment and he said 'Kathy, I still can't get over the change in you - its just amazing, and if you hadn't spoken to me I swear I wouldn't have known you' - OH YEAH, THAT FELT FANTASTIC!!

And yes, I still marvel that I can fit into booths, small chairs, small(er) sizes, how I look in pictures (and the fact that I don't really mind having pictures taken anymore) - honestly just how I feel about myself now - I'm not embarrassed to walk into a room of strangers because I don't stand out - I blend in now - I look 'normal'. I have to really work out to break a mean sweat - hell, I used to do that standing in line! I'm going to physical therapy right now for my shoulder and can easily get onto the table to do my exercises - when I was huge I was have been clammering to get on there, and then feeling totally self-conscious about my weight and whether or not the table was going to hold me!

I'm so happy for you and your wow moments - don't ever take them for granted!! Congrats!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Cherish F.
on 10/28/10 1:47 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Steffi!
Here's why this post is awesome. I thought I was so excited about these things just because it was so new to me. Now I know that I can look forward to that little thrill a year, two years, etc down the road. It will be like little happy dances for the rest of my life.

My favorite thing right now is crossing my legs. At the knee - not the ankle! I realized earlier this morning that I was sitting in my desk chair at work with my legs crossed under my desk. OMG! I used to have to drop my chair some if I wanted to pull my ankle up on my knew cause my thighs/butt were so big. Not anymore!

Oh, and I've started plotting ways to run into old friends (and enemies) so I can hear those "You look great/wonderful/amazing" comments. Is that shallow? Now what - who cares! I yam what I yam!
Consult Weight/ Surgery Weight/Current Weight/  Goal Weight, Reached 4/7/11!!
     294                     286.5                     165.5                     164

Full abdominoplasty & Breast Reduction/Lift - 4/9/12!

Even miracles take a little time. ~ Cinderella

(deactivated member)
on 10/28/10 2:07 am
Awesome post Steffi! 

I hope that these things never get old to you and you always have the spark of life you have for it, It is infectious for sure.  Yes at times I still get amazed and hoping that this new venture gets me to new levels once again.

Love you
Laureen S.
on 10/28/10 2:30 am - Maple Shade, NJ

At 3 years post op I can say that there are still moments where I find myself thinking I can't do something because of my size, it is generally a thought that I now find amusing when it happens.  There were stores I avoided before, now I avoid them because they are simply not age appropriate for me, even if I feel like a 30 yo, the date on my driver's license tells me the truth (lol). . .

No longer when I hear, you have such a pretty face, do I cringe inwardly and most recently when I cut my hair short, I actually thought it looked good, before I felt like my head looked too small to be able to wear my hair short. . .

Freedom comes in many forms, but the freedom and joy of living life these days is absolutely awesome, which is why I need to get and stay on track with what I eat and the exercise portion of things, things I had fallen down on lately. . .  I am joining a new gym tomorrow and more importantly, I am going to be going regularly. . . 

Great post!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 10/28/10 3:02 am - Boothwyn, PA
I had to laugh when I read the second paragraph of your post because I'm the opposite - I always wore my hair short because I didn't think fluffy girls looked good in longer hair! Now I'm wearing it longer and feel younger than I did 5 years ago!! I love your new do - it looks fantastic!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Sara E.
on 10/28/10 2:42 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
I agree Steffi...some things do not get old.  I especially like to request a booth at a restaurant...I have no fears fitting in there at all anymore.  I love fitting into seats at ballgames and the theater also.  I used to stress over clothes I stress over not buying too much.  Even my son has noticed changes...he said "it must be nice to buy what you like and not just what fits"...that is one bright 11 year old.  My newest WOW moment was my new pair of Gloria Vanderbuilt jeans- I modeled them proudly with the size tag visible.  8!  YOWZA...I havn't worn a single digit item of clothing since 1973!  My husband looked shocked and said 8?  Like he couldn't believe it either.  All of these great moments make all the hard work & dedication tottally worth it.  Be proud and happy Steffi...these things will not get old!  Keep fitting in those seats and keep being excited about it.




on 10/28/10 6:47 am - Croydon, PA

Those few things still excite me 3+ years out -- fitting in restaurant booths and being comfortable in a movie theater seat.  I don't think I'll ever get over that feeling when I sit down and I have room.  Every now and again, like today, I have to walk home from the train station because my son has my car.  It's a 45 minute walk.  I spend every minute of that walk thanking God that I can walk for 45 minutes and not be out of breath and not experience horrible pain in my hips, thighs, knees and back.  I have not forgotten when it was nearly impossible to walk for 10 minutes without experiencing all those things.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 10/28/10 9:31 am - PA
I recently had to have my picture take for my drivers license renewal.  When the woman handed me my license, I looked at the picture and almost told her you gave me the wrong one, I am so not used to how I look.  When I look in the mirror, I do not recognize myself.  Really does not look like me any more.  I have been told that I look like my mother, or my aunt, but no longer myself.

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




Maura M.
on 10/28/10 1:30 pm - Yardley, PA
I love that it isn't old at 18 months!  The things I continue to be amazed by?

 - being able to shop for clothes ANYWHERE I want to
 - ot looking in the mirror and saying "oh well - this is as good as it gets" before I walk out the door
-  being called Skinny - ha!  me? wha?  I always say - if you want to repeat that, it would be ok by me!
 - being able to wear shoes with a heel without being in agony within an hour
 - not having swollen feet and ankles on a daily basis and not having to sleep with them elevated
 - going out more and doing things - that slug of a girl that had no get up and go is gone..
 - being "checked out" - it kind of freaks me out actually, do I... acknowledge?  ignore? blush?  It is very strange
  - being able to keep up with my husband (and that's sayin' a lot!)

I could go on all night..

Glad you posted Steffi!



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