I have a stricture!
This explains why ALL solid food keeps getting stuck! I am scheduled for the EGD on Friday morning at 8:30am. They said I should be done within 2 hours.
Has anyone ever had this done? Will I be able to go right to the store and open? I know I can't drive, but he said it is only a 10 minute procedure, so I am hoping I won't be too knocked out from the anesthesia.
Has anyone ever had this done? Will I be able to go right to the store and open? I know I can't drive, but he said it is only a 10 minute procedure, so I am hoping I won't be too knocked out from the anesthesia.

basically there is scar tissue that is causing her stoma to narrow. If you want more info, here is a link I found. www.associatedcontent.com/article/2091995/strictures_after_a _gastric_bypass.html