Wonderful Working Wednesday Roll Call
It's Wednesday?? When I woke up this morning, for some reason I thought it was Sunday. I don't usually get that far off track! lol
Nothing happening here today except job hunting. I'm trying to think outside the box and keep my options open, but there just isn't a whole lot out there right now.
Have a great day, my friends!!
Well, yesterday really bit hard! I'm hoping today is much better. At this time yesterday it was all good...it went downhill very fast. In the evening I went for a walk in a huge cemetary with my bff and we stopped at one point to throw leaves in the air. I have to say, that was very therapeutic and erased my worries of the day, if only for a moment. I encourage everyone to give it a try today!
You have to try this! Take a container of Greek yogurt (the 2 cup size) mix in a sugar free cheesecake pudding...top one serving with lite sugar or sugar free cherry topping and OMG is it GOOD!!! Can't remember where I saw this lately, but it is to die for!
Today's plan...clear up yesterdays mess.
Good day to all of you!
I appear to have some sort of flu, though I did get a flu shot. I am wiped out and weak, and was nauseous all day yesterday, and had sinusy stuff going on as well.
Today, I went and paid my cable bill with Utley along for the ride.
Now to be lazy and curl up in my rocking chair.
Albert Schweitzer

Good afternoon to all,
It's lunch time here at work. I'll be here till 5 then home to dinner in the crock pot. Which I can not eat yet. It's beef cubes and gravy over rice which is my kids favorite. My dil and grand daughter are coming over for dinner. Can't wait to see them. At some point this afternoon, I need to make an appt to get my blood work done for my 3 mos check up with the dr next week.
That's is it for me.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Well even though Maura so dilligently pointed out that it was a moot point to post roll call at night...I'm gonna regale you with my day regardless.
I ended up leaving work a little after 3am, thank you furlough! Went home and worked on some paperwork for Sacred Heart. Then I went to the gym for the 5:45 - 6:45 am spin class.
After that I took my shower and stuff there, left there and went to my friend's house. He's the one *****cently had back surgery. In the meantime he needs weekly injections for another medical condition. Well, with the back surgery he can't twist around to give himself the injection and my bff is traveling for work, so I drove up to give him his injection.
After that I met up with ANOTHER friend who has been going through a rough time and we haven't had much time to talk about stuff.....considering I was in their neck of the woods we met up and just caught up.
Longer story shortened a bit...I was up till after 12 today...oy dirty stay out I am! Had a GREAT day though, it was definately worth it!
Back to work tonight for night 3 of 3....