Freezing Friday Roll Call
Today is work work work but dressed comfy and we will have a lunch adventure so that is fun. No other plans tonight because we have a busy weekend that includes some of YOU FINE PEOPLE!. I am hoping Jason will take advantage of the quiet tonight to quit torturing me!
I was up at 4 with Amelia, snuggled in bed with her until the alarm went off at 5. I went to make the pulled pork last night and well the roast was bad! I just bought it too... so this morning I had to haul the stinky meat back into the store to return it. Well the cashier did something wrong and refunded TWICE the amount I paid!! I'll take it! lol Didn't realize it until i got to the car though.
At lunch today I have to run out to wegmans to get a few last minute items for tomorrow. AFter work headed home to cook cook cook for tomorrow!!!!!

Good Morning Nicole & PA.
Today is my company's 25th anniversary and I will be nutzy busy all day. I am the president of the team that is planning all the festivities, including a Thanksgiving meal for ~250 people under one of those big fancy tents. Politicians will be there and I even arranged for the flag at the US Capitol to be flown in our honor. Our company is very patriotic so a lot of people should like that. The founder is the head of 4th Fest, the largest all volunteer 4th of July fireworks that are rated in the top 10 in the world. We have so much planned today, I am anxious to get to work to see how it is alll falling into place. I have to get Caleb on the bus, then off I go....just 10 minuntes away.
Have a great Friday!
I work for Restek Corporation in Bellefonte. Today's festivities were fantastic and everyone had a great time. I am blessed to work with over 250 great people.
I am soooo hoping for a quiet day. Heading into school, bringing soft pretzels to my home room because they worked soooo hard yesterday during a very challenging class and REALLY asked amazing questions and I was soooo stinking proud of them, so soft pretzels it is! (And...I was totally jonesing for one too!) I have NO PLNAS for after school or tonight! I will hang at school for a little and straighten up my room and then come home. yay......It has been a long arduous week and I am looking forward to sitting and doing a whole lot of nothing!
Tomorrow is a Bat Mitzvah - so sadly no Liz's for me. But looking foward to getting dressed up again and showing off a little!
I hope your Friday is FABULOUS - and not sooooo FREEZING!