Wednesday Challenge to you
Hi I challenge you all to think of one things that you are ready to let go of.
Self doubt?
Old identity that does not fit anymore?
Whatever it may be, decide what it is and how you will let go of it.
For example write it on a piece of paper and let it go down a stream.
Write it on a balloon and let it go.
Fire is also a fun option.
I challenge you to do this and report back.
Self doubt?
Old identity that does not fit anymore?
Whatever it may be, decide what it is and how you will let go of it.
For example write it on a piece of paper and let it go down a stream.
Write it on a balloon and let it go.
Fire is also a fun option.
I challenge you to do this and report back.
This is a good one.....I am carrying around some negative energy from graduate school... Advisor would not sponsor me for any practicum (a requirement for my degree) unless it was with Weigh****chers or Nutrisystem (my services in exchangfe for their program). His opinion was I was too obese to ever think of a job in corporate America.
He was a jerk and I know that now....however, for many years I let this influence my life. The words of jerk......
To make a long story short, I MUST let this go.... Letter and burning will happen tonight. Would do it now, but my coprorate America management frowns on fires at work!
He was a jerk and I know that now....however, for many years I let this influence my life. The words of jerk......
To make a long story short, I MUST let this go.... Letter and burning will happen tonight. Would do it now, but my coprorate America management frowns on fires at work!
I have some things to let go to be free of but ....
I will share that a few friends did this last month as a ceramony we wore bras on our heads and all tossed something into the fire and said a few words to let go of pain, It was freeing, bonding and yet we laughed but knew it was healing all at the same time.
I will share that a few friends did this last month as a ceramony we wore bras on our heads and all tossed something into the fire and said a few words to let go of pain, It was freeing, bonding and yet we laughed but knew it was healing all at the same time.
I really needed to read this today. I have an old grudge/resentment/hurt that has been doing more damage to me than the one I hold it against. As part of letting it go, I need to also establish a boundary with this person so I can feel like it's over and done with. I composed a short email to do that, and it feels so freeing to have done that.
Oh and also, I was part of the bras-on-the-head ritual Beth was referring to. It was BRILLIANT!
Oh and also, I was part of the bras-on-the-head ritual Beth was referring to. It was BRILLIANT!
This is a wonderful idea, Nicole. This week I brought all my poncho/cape style winter coats into the store to sell, since I now fit into regular winter coats that I can button and zip! I have spent the past few years hiding behind large wrap-style clothes that I no longer need.
This reminds me of the Bowl Burning Ceremony we do at Unity every New Year's Eve, we write down all the things from the past year we want to release and we all throw the lists into a fire pit outside the church. Very cleansing!
This reminds me of the Bowl Burning Ceremony we do at Unity every New Year's Eve, we write down all the things from the past year we want to release and we all throw the lists into a fire pit outside the church. Very cleansing!

Nicole - anyone who would like, we'll be having a fire on saturday and I'd be happy to supply paper and markers if anyone would like to do this as a group. No one has to know what is written, but as always we are there to support eachother!
I would like to let go being so hard on myself. I need to appreciate all that I do daily and not focus on what I didn't get done.
I would like to let go being so hard on myself. I need to appreciate all that I do daily and not focus on what I didn't get done.