Did anyone else notice a difference with shots?
Last year I got my flu shot and nothing notable happened. Yesterday I got my flu shot and it hurts like H#!!! When I got the shot, it took about 10 seconds and then I felt like I had been punched in the arm. Then the pain shot down around my elbow and down to the under side of my wrist. That lasted about 10 minutes and now it's just like I got knuckle punched in the arm.
I had to take 2 tylenol to get to sleep last night.
So, is it the lack of arm fat? is it a unique side effect of wls? or is it that I'm just a hypochondriac whimp?
Did anyone ever notice a difference similar to this?
I had to take 2 tylenol to get to sleep last night.
So, is it the lack of arm fat? is it a unique side effect of wls? or is it that I'm just a hypochondriac whimp?
Did anyone ever notice a difference similar to this?
havent got my flu shot yet but I wish I would have last week...I got the flu now!
And I am anxious, friday I go for my synvisc shot in my knee, had one done 13 months ago before wls and had all that extra padding on my knee..year later and ALOT less padding there, wondering how different it is going to feel.
And I am anxious, friday I go for my synvisc shot in my knee, had one done 13 months ago before wls and had all that extra padding on my knee..year later and ALOT less padding there, wondering how different it is going to feel.
Haven't gotten this years flu shot yet but I remember being sore from last years - and the other week I had a cortisone shot and actually bruised from it - I never bruise from bloodwork or shots, so that was really weird. I bet it does have to do with the fact that we have a lot less body fat to absorb the bruising and pain. Which reminds me, I have to get out and get my flu shot soon!
I had my labs two weeks ago. They were all great except for the Vitamin A. I need to increase that. (actually add that)
I would assume with the extreme amount of protein I eat I would heal fast. I do consistantly get lots of protein. But a perfect example was the bruises from the surgery incisions were STILL visible at 7 months out. I looked like I was at the wrong end of a knife thrower and he wasn't very good.
Anyway, other scratches and minor scrapes take almost a month to heal. Scabs build up very thick and I never had that happen before. I just assumed it's from the surgery since that's exactly when that changed.
I would assume with the extreme amount of protein I eat I would heal fast. I do consistantly get lots of protein. But a perfect example was the bruises from the surgery incisions were STILL visible at 7 months out. I looked like I was at the wrong end of a knife thrower and he wasn't very good.
Anyway, other scratches and minor scrapes take almost a month to heal. Scabs build up very thick and I never had that happen before. I just assumed it's from the surgery since that's exactly when that changed.
R K.
on 10/13/10 9:52 pm
on 10/13/10 9:52 pm
I got mine Wednesday morning and didn't notice a difference. I always pick my dominant arm for shots so that I am using it all day and it doesn't stiffen up though.
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch
Regardless of fat content of the body, the shots are given "IM" (Intramuscular) which means no matter how much fat you have, the needle has to penetrate the fat and the muscle in order for it to be given correctly. That being said...chances are, depending on how big and how small a person is....we sometimes use bigger needles for bigger people.
It's the needle going into the muscle that causes the soreness for the next couple of days. The muscle is literally injured. (nice of us, huh? lol)
The elbow/wrist pain...I'm wondering if a nerve somehow wasn't hit....or just a spasm from the muscle...that one I dunno about.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.