Depressing Stall...Do you have any words of wisdom?
Afetr my motorcycle accident I was on a liquid diet for 2 weeks. That broke my stall I was in. But I can only do physical therapy for my knee, ankle & my level of exerise has dropped dramatically. I have been the same weight since Sept. 24th and I am dying for the scale to move down. I am only 6 stinking pounds away from my ultimate goal of 100% excess weight lost...a goal I was told was unachievable. That meant in my head I had to do it or I was a failure at this like every other diet I have tried. So, I am now down and just can't seem to get my old self back. My BFF said she is shocked I haven'd gained weight in the last month and I reflected on that and am happy I haven't gained...but...I still feel down. Any insighful words of wisdom from my OH BFFs to help me over this hump?
You have done PHENOMENOAL in not gaining weight after your accident!
Can you do any sort of movement - yoga, walking, swimming etc that won't bother your knee?
MAybe a 5 day pouch test to jump start things. Just be really aware of what is going in your mouth. The weight will come off. Don't focus on the 6 pounds though, as hard as that is, focus on how healthy you are and that you've done an amazing job thus far!
Can you do any sort of movement - yoga, walking, swimming etc that won't bother your knee?
MAybe a 5 day pouch test to jump start things. Just be really aware of what is going in your mouth. The weight will come off. Don't focus on the 6 pounds though, as hard as that is, focus on how healthy you are and that you've done an amazing job thus far!
Shoot, as someone who is 12 pounds BELOW their target weight you should be giving advice, not asking for it - LOL!! You've done an amazing job and maybe your body is telling you 'enough is enough'? I think its fabulous that you haven't gained any weight from not being able to exercise. Maybe you're just feeling down because you're not getting that energy boost from exercising and you and your body is so used to it?
Please don't be down about this - first of all you are so fortunate that you weren't hurt worse in that accident and totally laid up - secondly you're not gaining since it happened - and again, you're already 12 lbs below your goal weight - to quote an old (and stupid) song - DON'T WORRY - BE HAPPY!!
Please don't be down about this - first of all you are so fortunate that you weren't hurt worse in that accident and totally laid up - secondly you're not gaining since it happened - and again, you're already 12 lbs below your goal weight - to quote an old (and stupid) song - DON'T WORRY - BE HAPPY!!
OMG! There are sometimes I truly feel we are all the same people. I got on the scale today - not my usual day to get on, just wanted to. I have been the same weight for MONTHS! Even AFTER plastics - the scale stays at the same place.....I just want to SEE 149 - for no other reason than it is the next NOTCH on the scale. We are INSANE - the pressure we put on ourselves without celebrating the AMAZING work we have done! When was the last time you have been within "6 stinking pounds?" Same with me - I am within 3 - reality is - it is NOTHING! We are in control, we are healthy and we are TERRIFIC at this process! I don't know about you - but for me when the scale tips up a pound or two - I just remember what to do to get that pound or two off, that is all my body is allowing me to get rid of. The same few that I put on - they will be the ONLY ones that come off. I don't think that I EVER maintained a weight for any length of time - and then to KNOW how to work my body to keep it that way.....That is my new amazing epiphany. (I figured it out over the summer.)
Also - it just occured to me - you are a person who likes to move - you are not able to do as much as you would like due to the accident. Studies have shown that the more people exercise the more even their emotions are. It would make sense that you are feeling somewhat different emotionally due to that. Hang in there - keep doing what you are doing and most importantly - HEAL! The rest will fall into place!
Also - it just occured to me - you are a person who likes to move - you are not able to do as much as you would like due to the accident. Studies have shown that the more people exercise the more even their emotions are. It would make sense that you are feeling somewhat different emotionally due to that. Hang in there - keep doing what you are doing and most importantly - HEAL! The rest will fall into place!
Congrats on ALL that you've achieved and on making it through that accident with as little damage as you sustained. The pounds you've lost are a fabulous BONUS! We are just glad you are hear to whine and ***** As for the other 6, it'll happen; you've proven you've got the gumption to see yourself through. Only tidbit I could add because I know you are antsy to do about pilates? I know it seems innocuous compared to some of the other exercises everyone takes on around here but the flexing and stretching DO something to the tendons, ligaments and density of the body fibers and I guess mentally, it is calming too . I just know that when I've been stalled it has helped and next thing you know I'm peeing my brains out and the scale moves.
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Thanks everyone. my Dr said I can not exercise again with my trainer until I have no pain from the accident. I walked on my lunch break and my knee & ankle hurt. It must still be too soon. I will have to try pilates, thanks Jackie. Thanks Steffi for letting me know I am not the only one that feels this way.