***Monday Roll Call***
Good morning!
Shilpa--(((HUGE HUGS))) I really really hope that you get some answers today and some piece of mind on what is going on! You are in my thoughts and prayers sweetie!
As for me wasn't on much last week due to a really hectic week...so need to catch up on the boards here and post somethings...I missed you guys! <3
As for today...I am going to be running some errands then heading over to planet fitness to get some info on membership etc...I need to get my butt in gear because I know me..its going to be cold soon and I will not walk the trail in the park in the cold all by myself...sooooo I figure if I pay money then my butt will be at the gym all winter long! :-)
Then home to finish grading some papers and getting stuff done at the apt.
Hope everyone enjoys this marvelous day!
Much luv!
Shilpa--(((HUGE HUGS))) I really really hope that you get some answers today and some piece of mind on what is going on! You are in my thoughts and prayers sweetie!
As for me wasn't on much last week due to a really hectic week...so need to catch up on the boards here and post somethings...I missed you guys! <3
As for today...I am going to be running some errands then heading over to planet fitness to get some info on membership etc...I need to get my butt in gear because I know me..its going to be cold soon and I will not walk the trail in the park in the cold all by myself...sooooo I figure if I pay money then my butt will be at the gym all winter long! :-)
Then home to finish grading some papers and getting stuff done at the apt.
Hope everyone enjoys this marvelous day!
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
GM, folks!!
Shilpa---Sorry to hear that the antibiotics aren't doing the trick. I hope you soon get some answers and can get fixed up and get out of that place!!!
Not much happening here. I'll go through the job boards today, although I'm not expecting to find much. Went through countless pages of jobs yesterday and only found a couple of things. This morning, I want to go look for a couple of thrift stores I had seen here in OCMD; not sure if they're closed for the season. This afternoon we'll go metal detecting. I'm beginning to really get the feel of this machine. Yesterday, some jerk's dog peed on my bag while we were treasure hunting.
Have a great day, all! Peace and strength to anyone dealing with issues!!
Shilpa---Sorry to hear that the antibiotics aren't doing the trick. I hope you soon get some answers and can get fixed up and get out of that place!!!
Not much happening here. I'll go through the job boards today, although I'm not expecting to find much. Went through countless pages of jobs yesterday and only found a couple of things. This morning, I want to go look for a couple of thrift stores I had seen here in OCMD; not sure if they're closed for the season. This afternoon we'll go metal detecting. I'm beginning to really get the feel of this machine. Yesterday, some jerk's dog peed on my bag while we were treasure hunting.
Have a great day, all! Peace and strength to anyone dealing with issues!!
Morning, everyone!
Shilpa, i really, really hope they get to the bottom of this TODAY. So sorry it's continuing without resolution.
Today is the first day of getting back to my "regular" routine - gym in the morning instead of the evening. Was hard getting up!!! (i had gotten used to that extra hour and a half of sleep in the mornings!) But I got there, and did a good workout - not as intense as the one with the trainer, but not eating beforehand made a definite difference in my energy levels, I'm realizing. So I've got to figure out a way to handle that in the mornings without getting up at 5 AM to eat. Haha.
Work all day today, then home to work on jewelry and try to get a couple more pieces done (they're in various stages of completion - had a very productive weekend).
Hope you all have a great day!
Shilpa, i really, really hope they get to the bottom of this TODAY. So sorry it's continuing without resolution.
Today is the first day of getting back to my "regular" routine - gym in the morning instead of the evening. Was hard getting up!!! (i had gotten used to that extra hour and a half of sleep in the mornings!) But I got there, and did a good workout - not as intense as the one with the trainer, but not eating beforehand made a definite difference in my energy levels, I'm realizing. So I've got to figure out a way to handle that in the mornings without getting up at 5 AM to eat. Haha.
Work all day today, then home to work on jewelry and try to get a couple more pieces done (they're in various stages of completion - had a very productive weekend).
Hope you all have a great day!
Hi Karen,
I am a morning person. always have been. I get up Mon-Fri at 4:45 to be at the gym by 5. I will eat a half mini baby bell cheese before I go. I take a bottle of water with the Crystal Light Fitness in it. It has the electrolites in it. Then when I get back home I have the rest of my mini baby bell while I'm making my protein shake which I don't drink till about 9am at work. I've also switched it up sometimes and have half a banana with 1/2 tsp of PB. This routine has given me lots of energy. I come back to the house when my husband is just getting up. I'm like all sunny and full of hellos. he just looks at me like I'm nuts!
I am a morning person. always have been. I get up Mon-Fri at 4:45 to be at the gym by 5. I will eat a half mini baby bell cheese before I go. I take a bottle of water with the Crystal Light Fitness in it. It has the electrolites in it. Then when I get back home I have the rest of my mini baby bell while I'm making my protein shake which I don't drink till about 9am at work. I've also switched it up sometimes and have half a banana with 1/2 tsp of PB. This routine has given me lots of energy. I come back to the house when my husband is just getting up. I'm like all sunny and full of hellos. he just looks at me like I'm nuts!
Enough already Shilpa.. I am coming there and kidnapping you and taking you home. OYE.. You know I would love to do that, but you also know that I send my best wishes and prayers that they figure this all out soon. We want you home almost as badly as you want to go home. 
So, I spent about 3.5 hours on the phone with my new friend last night. He does have a girlfriend so it will not go any further than friendship. But, I can tell that it is going to be a wonderful friendship and that's really what counts in the end. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but he lives near Trenton, so I wouldn't want another long distance thing anyway. His girlfriend was there when we were on the phone, so I know there will not be an issue there, either. We talked about anything and everything and it was fabulous to have intelligent conversation.
Considering that the 3.5 hrs ended around 2 AM, I did NOT get up in time to work OT this morning. I started my work day at 7 and will try to work a bit late today to get in a bit of OT, but we'll see if I get any energy later on. I can't see me getting to the gym today.. not enough energy for that, I'm sure. Tonight, I have a sisterhood meeting, finally. The meetings are held at Wegman's so I will pick up a few things for the house while I'm there. We will come home from there and I am hitting the hay. I will need to stop myself from getting on FB, OH, etc.. and just go to bed. YES, I am telling myself that and I plan to stick to it, so I can get up early tomorrow to get in extra hours.
Hope everyone has a great day.. someone wake me if they get weird jumbled texts or FB updates from me today...
Oh wait, Siehara does not have school today due to Columbus Day. She won't let me sleep too long under my desk if I fall off the chair from exhaustion. LOL

So, I spent about 3.5 hours on the phone with my new friend last night. He does have a girlfriend so it will not go any further than friendship. But, I can tell that it is going to be a wonderful friendship and that's really what counts in the end. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but he lives near Trenton, so I wouldn't want another long distance thing anyway. His girlfriend was there when we were on the phone, so I know there will not be an issue there, either. We talked about anything and everything and it was fabulous to have intelligent conversation.
Considering that the 3.5 hrs ended around 2 AM, I did NOT get up in time to work OT this morning. I started my work day at 7 and will try to work a bit late today to get in a bit of OT, but we'll see if I get any energy later on. I can't see me getting to the gym today.. not enough energy for that, I'm sure. Tonight, I have a sisterhood meeting, finally. The meetings are held at Wegman's so I will pick up a few things for the house while I'm there. We will come home from there and I am hitting the hay. I will need to stop myself from getting on FB, OH, etc.. and just go to bed. YES, I am telling myself that and I plan to stick to it, so I can get up early tomorrow to get in extra hours.
Hope everyone has a great day.. someone wake me if they get weird jumbled texts or FB updates from me today...
Oh wait, Siehara does not have school today due to Columbus Day. She won't let me sleep too long under my desk if I fall off the chair from exhaustion. LOL
Good Morning Shilpa,
I am praying for you.
Yesterday was exhausting for me, but my daughter-in-law's show was good. She sang beautifully, and learned sign language for the show,.
Today has me resting, and then heading to my sister's to help with the finishing touches on some raffle baskets for the Special Olympics Dinner Bingo tomorrow night.
Hope they find the answers to what is going on with you.
I am praying for you.
Yesterday was exhausting for me, but my daughter-in-law's show was good. She sang beautifully, and learned sign language for the show,.
Today has me resting, and then heading to my sister's to help with the finishing touches on some raffle baskets for the Special Olympics Dinner Bingo tomorrow night.
Hope they find the answers to what is going on with you.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Shilpa-Someone really needs to find out what's ailing you! Sending you a big hug and some good juju today!
Steffi-crack some heads today...or just one.
So, no school today and to top it off, I ended up with no daycare kids either. YIPPEE!! So, I think we'll walk to the playground, having my mom over for lunch, maybe make some rice krispie treats with the little ones.
Later this afternoon I'm going to list some things on ebay, solve world hunger and figure out how to speed up saving the miners in Chile. Should be a productive day!
Hope you all have as much fun as I will today!
Steffi-crack some heads today...or just one.
So, no school today and to top it off, I ended up with no daycare kids either. YIPPEE!! So, I think we'll walk to the playground, having my mom over for lunch, maybe make some rice krispie treats with the little ones.
Later this afternoon I'm going to list some things on ebay, solve world hunger and figure out how to speed up saving the miners in Chile. Should be a productive day!

Hope you all have as much fun as I will today!